Author Topic: Has anyone seen "The Breakup"?  (Read 1251 times)


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Has anyone seen "The Breakup"?
« on: June 09, 2006, 08:04:10 PM »
Just saw this movie today, and it was like watching part of MY life.  I felt Jennifer Anniston's pain in trying to explain to her "other" why it would be important for him to "want" to help her with the dishes after a dinner party.......not because he "wanted" to do dishes, but because it would be something that would make "her" feel good....that he cared enough to "want" to help her.  OR, going to the ballet with her because it would please him to see her pleased by his going and sharing something she enjoyed.  She ALWAYS went with him to the places HE wanted to go, even if she had no interest in them.  She did it because it was important to HIM.   My daughter and I looked at each other and just said "Dad."  The ending was surprising, but I felt good about it.  I won't give it away in case you haven't seen it.


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Re: Has anyone seen "The Breakup"?
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2006, 09:04:52 PM »
Hi Jac.....

I should probably watch it again to see all the points you make.  Agreed, she did behave badly (very Sophomoric) after the storm had already begun between them  (the old straw and camel's back, me thinks).  However, the point I came away with was that,  until the end of the movie, he really didn't have a clue that people who care for one another actually sometimes do things with that person which may not be their favorite things to do.  But, that the actual enjoyment comes from their partner's (or friend's) happiness.  It seemed very clear in the beginning that she loved making him happy.....she enjoyed going to the ballgames because she was 'sharing' time with him doing something 'he' loved.  If you remember, even his friend told him in the end that they (he and friend) NEVER went to a White Sox game unless they were playing the Cubs because HE only liked the Cubs.  That friend pointed a lot out to him, which I believe is how he actually 'got it'.   Did you notice how he got all the books in order for the business after he finally realized it wasn't 'all about him'.  His brother had been begging him to do his part for a long, long time.  But, duh, the world revolved around him!  Sometimes it takes drastic and live altering events to get through to a person.

I don't usually analyze  every actor's behavior in movies.   I go for entertainment and was not totally disappointed ,as parts of the movie were entertaining.  And, no, I did not 'see myself on screen'.  I actually found it comforting, in an odd sort of way, to realize that there are other guys that don't even realize what may upset their mate, i.e. not seeming enthusiastic about the same things sometimes.  My husband of 41 years and I love each other dearly.  However, he is a bit of an 'N' and can be an ass at times.  (can't we all?)  It's nice to know that it isn't 'intentional'.    PS, he DOES have a pool table.


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Re: Has anyone seen "The Breakup"?
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2006, 05:11:45 PM »
You're right.  We disagree. 


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Re: Has anyone seen "The Breakup"?
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2006, 03:05:39 AM »
It's funny you say that about a sweetly dysfunctional family, Jac.
My mother would fall into the malignant N category as she is extremely negative and mean in her self-centeredness (though she can be kind...).
My boss, on the other hand, has tons of N traits, however, he would be of the benign type, I would say. He's a pain, but not nasty.

Anyone want to analyze thos differences :)
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