Brian: Funniest thing is that the last time I spoke to her (when I basically told her what a selfish person she was), in the same conversation she referred to her current lover as being 'sweet and understanding' of her but 'not giving her everything she wants'.
Oh, Brian, I JUST HAD TO JUMP IN ON THIS ONE! I feel soooooooooooooooo understood by you in your post!
Let me share something about Jodi similar to what you posted here.
When Jodi would preach online, she would actually incorporate into her message, how WONDERFUL the newest ministry partner was, and how God DELIVERED her from such a "WRONG CHOICE" recently. Then she would go on to say how this new partner didn't "give me everything I want and was even FIRM with me on things." I would sit there, hearing this going, "Heyyyyyyyyy wait a minute!!!!!!!!! When I tried to be firm with you and not give you everything you wanted, you TURNED ON ME AND SAID I SHOULD JUST LET YOU HAVE WHATEVER YOU NEEDED TO DO YOUR MINISTRY>>>>So now this new person, when they do the exact SAME THINGS I DID WITH YOU, YOU PRAISE THEM IN FRONT OF EVERYONE??? WHy were the EXACT SAME ACTIONS FROM ME NOT ACCEPTABLE, YET FROM THIS NEW PERSON THEY ARE WORTHY TO BE SUNG FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAINTOP, BECAUSE AFTERALL, NOW YOU "Finally found GOD'S BEST" for you.
I will tell you why N's do's part of the initial WOOING process of the newbie. It will last usually about 3, 6, 9 mos, sometimes a few years or more, but usually not...cause the person begins getting close, loving this N, but seeing them as they truly are underneath all the glitz, glamour and BS....basically A BASKETCASE OF WOUNDS AND EMOTIONS! Once they start suspecting that you are seeing TRUTH, the DEVALUING begins. THis very new person you are listening to them engrandize, will be devalued and discarded next, just as you were.
My friend Dove calls it "kicked off the bus next" We both have seen Jodi do this to a person just recently and we are sure that the one she is with, is NEXT off the bus now.