Author Topic: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.  (Read 5604 times)


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My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« on: June 09, 2006, 05:00:14 AM »
So around September of last year, a girl I'd known for about 2 years contacts me out of the blue to tell me that she's planning to move back to the city I live in.  She'd left a few years prior to be with a guy she married (after only knowing him for a month BTW through internet communication).  I asked her when the two of them were going to be here and she told me that it was only going to be her and that the relationship failed; she needed to move back to find stability.

A couple of weeks go by of us talking on the phone quite frequently before she asks me if I need a roommate.  At the time, I did, and told her it would be cool if she wanted to move in with me; she told me she wasn't going to be back until December, but would pay me for two months rent anyway.  Cool, I thought.  Well, from this point forward, for some reason, our conversations started getting deeper and deeper.  We found out that we could chat about any topic under the sun (sometimes for a good 4-5 hours) and had A LOT in common.  It was during this time that I started getting presents in the mail (clothing and movies usually with a note or some kind of poetry telling me how I had completely changed her perspective on life and that she'd never met anyone like me before).  She's an incredibly gifted artist as well, so she started drawing me portraits too.

Well, I was completely floored.  Aside from being incredibly sweet, intelligent, and talented, here was a girl that was also VERY beautiful.  And she loved everything about me that I'd always wanted someone to appreciate.  Needless to say, I was on cloud 9.  I thought I'd finally found the one perfect person I should spend the rest of my life with; I couldn't quite figure out how her husband had managed to fuck things up with such an incredible person.  I just simply assumed he didn't understand her the way I did since that was the way she characterized it.

Well, December came and I went to pick her up from the airport.  The moment I saw her in the terminal, I was breathless.  I knew she was beautiful but something about her now was just stunning (as it turns out, she'd had 6 plastic surgery procedures over the course of the past few years and was still only 29).  The night she arrived at my apartment, we were immediately all over each other; by far and away the best sex I'd ever had.  She was more passionate in bed than any other woman I'd met.  I couldn't believe how perfect this all was; she was DEFINITELY my soulmate.  The only things that bothered me were the fact that she could spend enormous amounts of money on clothes (800 bucks I saw her blow on jeans in one store), that she took FOREVER getting ready to go out (actually made me very late to a DJing gig I had at a nightclub), and she dressed in extremely revealing clothes (no bra, could see right through her shirts, and very short skirts).

The following day, she all of a sudden told me she needed to pack her stuff and go stay at her father's house because her husband asked her to take care of some business for her.  Wait a minute!  I thought she was divorced, or getting a divorce.  It was also during this time that she told me that she bought a roundtrip ticket and had to go back to Los Angeles on the 28th (in order to pack up her stuff to come back).  She also told me at this time that if she couldn't get her old job back here in this city (working for a plastic surgeon) she didn't know how long she'd stay in LA.  WTF I thought???  Something isn't making any damn sense here.  Nonetheless, like an idiot, I subjugated my own instincts that were telling me to fucking run in the other direction because by this time, I was already head over heels in love with this girl and wanted to do anything for her.

So the next three weeks go by of us having incredibly passionate sex every night, and the two of us talking about how much we love each other (me also showering her with compliments, and catering to her every whim which she ate up voraciously).  It was now that she started telling me about what a complete asshole her husband was, how she caught him trying to cheat on her, etc. etc.  Of course, I bought it all and started to hate this guy, thinking to myself, "Who in his right mind could cheat on such an amazing girl?"  This was how she ended up sucking me in completely because now, I was in the position of wanting to help her.  Poor girl, I thought.  All she needs is someone like me in her life to show her how much she is really cared for.  This in spite of the fact that she casually told me that she and her husband not only still lived together, but still shared a bed!!!  Things were definitely not as 'over' as she made them out to be.

Well, the day comes when she ends up having to go back to L.A.  I'm a total fucking wreck because her husband has caught wind of what she's been doing out here and DESPERATELY wants to patch things up with her.  I knew from the moment she was going to land, he was going to pull out all of the stops to try to win her back.  I told her how worried I was that I would never see her again; her words to me were "Baby, I may be legally committed to him, but I LOVE you!  I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else!".  Like a fool, I bought it.

Sure enough, her husband shows up at the airport with flowers, basically begging her to stay with him.  She says 'no', that they're through and that she's completely in love with me.  Well, he's totally crushed; she tells me over the phone that he can't sleep, can't eat, and was basically 'making an ass of himself' by crying about the whole incident to her, then hours later yelling at her for being so selfish.  She also casually tells me that they're still sharing a bed together and that he's trying every night to have sex with her even though she doesn't want to (she says she stayed at the house because it was 'convenient' for her).  Well, this upset me to no fucking end, but like a dumbass, I kept my mouth shut and didn't say anything because I figured that the whole situation was stressful enough for her.

This rollercoaster goes on for about a week and a half with her calling me every day let me know what was going on as I was losing my mind wondering what the hell was going on over there.  Then, one day, I got a phonecall telling me that she and her husband made an arrangement and that she agreed not to flaunt her new relationship with me in front of him.  In other words, she couldn't call me as the two of them were always with each other and it bothered him seeing her on the phone with me.  OK, I thought.  She was going to be back in 3 days (on a plane ticket I paid for).  I could live with that; she'd already shipped her stuff so I knew she was going to be coming back.

The night before she was supposed to arrive, she sent a text message to my phone:

"I'm going to call the airline and reschedule the ticket for 2 weeks from now.  Don't worry, I'll pay for it.  I love you and miss you!" 

At this point, I should have run.  Instead, the next time I spoke to her, I told her everything was cool, even though the idea of a girl I was madly in love with sleeping in the same bed with another guy didn't really appeal to me.  The bottom line, I thought to myself, was that if I'm patient, and show her how I can handle this situation without getting upset, she'll appreciate it.  After all, this is a stressful time for her, I thought.  She doesn't need any extra pressure from me (even though it was driving me fucking insane).

The next 2 weeks go by and I barely hear from her.  We talked maybe a total of 4 or 5 times, and the conversations didn't last more than 2-3 minutes.  The day she arrives, she tells me, "I'm going to stay at my father's; I'll call you later".  This BTW, while I was on my way to the airport; she gave me absolutely no prior indication that her plans had changed.

That night, we talk on the phone and she tells me that she needs space, doesn't want a relationship right now, etc. etc.  She also tells me that she doesn't feel like the two of us 'shared anything special'. 

Needless to say, I was gutted.  I couldn't believe these words were actually coming out of her mouth.  Just a month ago, this girl thought I was the most amazing guy on the face of the Earth, and now THIS?!?!?!  What the fuck did I do wrong?  I just spent en entire month of absolute hell worrying about her, bought her a plane ticket to come back here, was totally patient with her, and this is how she treats me???  I didn't understand.  Then again, I thought, maybe she's just been through so much lately that she needs time to sort things out for herself.

We ended up spending the next month simply talking on the phone (no sex, just enjoying conversation again which I was fine with).  I really loved this girl and I wanted her to take time getting things together for herself.  After all, that incredibly loving person I fell for will be back soon once the trauma of what she's been through subisdes.  For a few days, she thought she'd try to work things out with her husband, but that didn't happen.

We end up going out one night, and she receives a phone call on her cell.  It's another guy on the line, and she says to him "I'll be over later sweetie, I've just got to pick up my car at my friend's house".  I'm like, what the fuck???  I ask her who it is, and she tells me that it's a guy she's seeing and that she's been staying at his house.  She also tells me that he's 'really sweet to her, and really cute'.  I could not believe this shit.  How could the same person that, at one point, really seemed to care about me and thought I was the most important person in the world to her, say these things so casually?  Does she not know how much it hurts me or does she simply not care?  How could she so quickly just jump from relationship to relationship like this?  Was nothing she said to me the truth??????

I tell her that it's probably best that we not see each other for a while simply because I'm so hurt by the situation.  She agrees and 2 months go by without us talking.

Then out of the blue, she calls me to tell me she's going out one night and doesn't want us to awkwardly bump into each other at a nightclub she knows I go to.  Well, we end up meeting there (she's dressed VERY provocatively BTW) and I start off the conversation by telling her that I'm sorry if I wasn't more understanding of her situation.  She replies by telling me that she 'doesn't need a relationship or any pressure' right now.  She also tells me that she's been thinking about me a lot for the past 2 months; she also tells me that she 'still has feelings' for me.  Well, again, I start thinking 'Maybe she's getting her head together now; maybe things have changed for her'. 

As we leave the club, I notice that she's driving in the wrong direction to go to her father's house.  I call and ask her where she's going; she says she's going to a 'friend's' house.  I ask her if this is the same 'friend' she was staying with after she landed.  She says yes.  I ask her why she still presents herself as single to so many people despite sleeping in another man's bed, AND being still legally married.  Her response is:
"I'm not committed to this guy I'm staying with; he doesn't really give me everything I want; I'm only here because it's convenient and close to work".

Unfuckingbelievable.  I basically snapped on the phone, and went into an hour long tirade telling her what an enormously selfish person she is, and that she doesn't care about anyone but herself.

I came to find out days later that her husband in L.A.:

a.  Paid her cell phone bills for her (the same one she used to talk to me for months before she came out here).
b.  Paid all of the rent and utilities; she contributed absolutely nothing.
c.  Worked his ass off to do this with 3 jobs while she only worked 3 days a week to afford her jeans/makeup habit.  She complained about having to work at all toward the end of their relationship and made it clear to him that her goal in life is to 'not work at all'.

I also found out through friends that every relationship she's been in has been characterized by this nonsense; sucking people dry until they have absolutely nothing left to give, then moving on to the next victim. 

Anyway, I know this has been long-winded but this was really one of the only forums I could post this story up on.  It's been rough because I want so badly to believe that the wonderful person I fell in love with still exists, though I know she doesn't and probably never did.  It's an awful feeling to know that you've been completely taken advantage of.  Hopefully time will heal this wound.


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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 07:40:27 AM »
Time will heal you, Brian. I swear.
(Hard to believe when you're hurting so, but I've been there, with a similar personality. Gutted...and now? I can drive past his house on my way somewhere and feel literally nothing, or even forget to remember he lives there.)

You asked what you did wrong...imo, the main thing was sleeping with her immediately. That chemical fusion tells the brain "this is love" when it's infatuation, lust and loneliness. That mix feels perilously romantic and helps you overlook all sorts of chemical defects. "Passion in bed" does not equal "soulmate" it equals "sexmate." And it's much easier to be passionate with a beautiful plastic stranger than it is with someone you've taken the time to painstakingly get to know in real-life time, not fast-forward fantasy time.

Multiple plastic surgeries and all those lies don't add up to a very authentic woman.

And you'll get more authentic with yourself if you take things slooooooooooooowly.
It's all about what you want for your life. Defining it and holding to it. A person's integrity mattering just as much as their chemical appeal.

The other mistake? Not running the moment you found out she's still legallly married, or that she lied to you. Keeps things a lot simpler to have rules like that for yourself. The other way lies heartache. Always.

(I always recommend these two books to people in your situation: Escape from Intimacy by Anne Wilson Schaf, and A Fine Romance by Judith Sills, PhD). Read and absorb both of those and your next relationship will be a very different experience. I swear.

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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2006, 08:00:23 AM »

What an experience you have been through.  This woman sounds like she may be a sociopath.  If so, she has no real feelings for others.  Others serve only as a source for her, whether that source is money, sex, shelter, or just amusement.  She is like a toddler in a playground - only interested in what gives her pleasure at the moment and easily distracted and infatuated by the slightest distraction. 

You mentioned several times you should have run after noting suspicious circumstances, but did not do so.  Next time you will be more alert and on guard.  These lessons are tough to learn, but usually teach us well. 

Hang in there...

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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2006, 08:08:22 AM »
Hang in there Brian - but also remember:

While she was playing you for sympathy about her husband cheating on her, she was cheating on him, right there and then, with you. Yes? Yes. For sure. Definitely. So... what grounds did she have for complaint?

Always run from double standards. They give away the liar before anything else will.
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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2006, 11:18:07 AM »
At this point, I should have run.

In retrospect you probably should have inserted this line right after "Around September of last year......"
Certainly no later than "after knowing him for only a month BTW through internet communication".



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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2006, 08:47:30 AM »
Is there more you need to discuss that you need to get out?  The grief will go in stages, so after denial, anger, and depression, comes bargaining, and finally acceptance.  It's OK to be stuck in a stage for awhile too.  It will depend a lot on how much this triggers an old loss (if you have suffered one) in your life.   


I guess what really bothers me about this whole scenario is that she played right into my fantasies of everything I'd ever wanted in a woman, then snatched them out from under me without any sort of rational explanation.  Every other relationship I'd been involved in had some sort of closure that made sense...this one didn't.  Looking at it objectively, it's very clear to me that men in her life are truly nothing more than objects to be used and discarded...the difficult part has become reminding myself that the person I fell in love with was a mirage and that her behavior is what should define her, not her words.


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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2006, 09:54:19 AM »
Hi Brian

Behavior is what defines everybody. Words are just lies unless the behavior backs them up. Always believe what people do, instead of what they say, when the two don't match up. Always.
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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2006, 10:17:11 PM »
Thanks so much for sharing your story. You are obviously a very intelligent and well-centered man. From your story, it is obvious haw many ways she hooked you in. I also know, from my experience, that once you get a fixed idea of someone, it is hard to erase that idea. There was a guy I "adored" once who had been talking about his college classes and how he so enjoyed Literature and all this other stuff. Well, that image of him --- the smart, suave guy--- superceded the fact that he was actually a loser pothead for months. I just couldn't get it into my brain that he wasn't what I ahd wanted him to be.  :? So nce I realized it, I was like you... looking back and thinking what a dumbass I had been. But you know, you'd never be able to find the right person if you weren't able to see that person as being wonderful. You got duped by a loser... but now you can go on and enter a real relationship with this knowledge and foresight! I have been married 13 years to my husband, and I WANT to adore him and see him as my soulmate. He is someone I can trust, but it takes time to build that trust.
Also, next time, you might want to think fully with the "big head" for a while before letting the little one do his job on you. Lots of confusing chemicals there. :lol:
Take care and thanks again for sharing.
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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2006, 06:50:22 PM »

I got a phone call from her wanting to 'talk'.

First thing out of her mouth was, "How's your new job?"  She must've found out through a mutual friend that I'm no longer working as a counselor for troubled teens and recently started doing audio engineering for a videogame company (pays substantially more).  She said she now 'feels bad' for the way things ended between us.

Hahahaha!  I swear, once you see past what these people try to present to the world, it alll becomes so clear.  Nothing more than single-minded self interest and greed.  I knew this girl had a history of shacking up with meal tickets, but I never thought she'd be so blatant about it.

Anyway, I ended the conversation by telling her that I'm not nearly as stupid as she thinks I am; that she made her choice to be with someone else months ago, and that I'm not going to get suckered into some lame love triangle again (she still claims she's not committed to him BTW).  I also told her that no amount of plastic surgery can hide the level of ugliness inside of her (maybe this was a low blow on my part but I think it's the truth).

Just thought I'd share with you guys.  The rest of you dealing with your own experiences, hang in there!  It does eventually get better!

BTW, I have a date with a very nice girl tomorrow night (carrying with me the wisdom that this last experience gave me).  Gonna take things nice and slow this time.  Thanks to those of you who've responded.  :)


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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2006, 07:29:35 PM »
 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2006, 08:05:58 PM »

Gonna take things nice and slow this time.



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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2006, 08:09:57 PM »
Dude, I am majorly impressed. Not only have you turned this around totally, but you have managed to do it within a single forum page's worth of posts. [The irony of this one being at the top of page 2 does not escape me...]

More power to you!
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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2006, 09:18:15 PM »
There's no question I'll carry the scar from this experience with me for a long time.  There's definitely something inherently traumatic in being overvalued by someone you genuinely care about and then being tossed aside like a piece of garbage.  Like other posters here, I still struggle with the 'what if' stuff.  What if I hadn't been so pushy?  What if I hadn't told her I loved her so quickly?  What if I had been making more money when we first met? (this one's ridiculous I know)  The hardest part in this whole experience for me is that she IS extremely talented as an artist, and she IS by far one of the most beautiful women I've ever met in my life.  There was definitely a point where I would have done anything to make the relationship work, despite her best efforts to destroy it.

But I think all of us are here on this forum for one big reason; we make the mistake of wanting to see the best in people that consistently treat us horribly after they snare us with charm.  The whole experience is dizzying to say the least.


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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2006, 09:22:40 PM »
all of us are here on this forum for one big reason; we make the mistake of wanting to see the best in people that consistently treat us horribly after they snare us with charm.  The whole experience is dizzying to say the least.

You're cured. You may not feel it, but you will. You get it. Bravo!
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: My experience with a textbook NPD woman.
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2006, 09:53:30 PM »
And you can be sure that IF you made a ton of money, she'd have been bored by that too
IF you hadn't come on so strong, she'd have called you a wimp and so on!
It is so awesome to see you, like stormy said, get it!!!!!!!!
Have fun on your date!
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams