Author Topic: Narcissism and love triangles.  (Read 8382 times)


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Narcissism and love triangles.
« on: June 10, 2006, 06:06:32 PM »
Has anyone else noticed how often the 'love triangle' happens with a person suffering from NPD?

In my experience with an N, I got the overwhelming sense toward the end that she got an immense amount of satisfaction out of having more than one guy showering her with affection.  It was strange because she appeared so focused on the fact that she was receiving all of this attention and coldly overlooking the fact that she had deeply hurt two people.  Even to this day, she's still playing the same game; staying at another guy's house and accepting all of the gifts he gives her while also spending her time out on the town presenting herself as single.  I guess the 'logic' behind it (if it could be called such) is 'why settle for attention from one guy when you can just as easily get it from multiple sources'.

Is this commonplace amongst people suffering from the disorder?


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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2006, 06:29:14 PM »
Its universal.

A triangle to an N is like oxygen to the rest of us.



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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2006, 07:56:47 AM »
It was strange because she appeared so focused on the fact that she was receiving all of this attention and coldly overlooking the fact that she had deeply hurt two people.


Yep yep and YEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!  That's exactly was amazes me about Jodi too!  It's as though the last person they devestated, never even "happened" in their life. 

At one time in our pseudo-relationship, Jodi said to me, about a trip we took together with another person that went HAYWIRE...."oh, if you want, I can just erase that week as if it never even happened!"  I said, "Huh?  erase it?"  She said, "yes, I mean it will be as if we never met together during those days, none of that ever happened."  I remember a really EERIE feeling coming over me when she said that, as if she really COULD ERASE TIME.  She was not kidding.  She seriously believes that she can make spaces in time GO AWAY AS THOUGH THEY NEVER WERE!  so, no wonder she can erase people and situations from her remembrance, as though they never were.  That tends to also be a BPD thing too I think.



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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2006, 10:48:00 AM »
The thing is, they aren't love triangles. They're exploitation triangles, using triangles, greed triangles, lie triangles, but not love triangles.

Don't get me wrong, people can stumble into triangulations, into affairs, when they don't have the strength to resist an attraction - but in cases like that, if they're really looking for healthy love, they'll soon realize this can't stay as it is, and they break the triangle one way or an other. They make a choice.

When there's clearly no intention of ever making a choice - then it's a triangle for sure, but it isn't about love.

I watched my closest friend in college waste her love and goodness on a married man for a decade. When he finally did divorce his wife, he dropped my friend like a hot rock, and took up with a third woman he'd been playing along for several years. My friend was devastated. What I remember most throughout our friendship is her loneliness on the big holidays - because those were always spent with the wife and kid, and she was left to fend for herself - and her tears, her feelings of self-betrayal - so many nights I sat up late letting her cry it out over coffee, wishing I had some way to tell her that I was sure he was using her, knowing she couldn't hear it.

It's made me very gruff about affairs, I'm afraid. I sound unsympathetic, but I'm not - I just still see the tearstreaked face of my friend, still see her lonely Christmas Eves, her empty Valentine's days - see her throwing away the best years of her young life on a 'playa' who never loved her, never.

My friend and I lost touch. After the jerk dumped her, she felt so ashamed of having wasted a decade on him that she couldn't bear to be around people like me who knew and supported her through the worst of it. I accepted that, and I hope that she has healed and found someone who really values her.

But I'm very gruff and blunt about affairs. For this I apologize, because I'm sure it has stung where it was never intended to.
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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2006, 12:28:08 PM »
Hi Really,
This isn't a very sophisticated observation, but I think Jodi is, simply, or maybe not so simply, crazy.

I agree. I had one affair long ago, and resisted (thanks to Bridget, among others) another more recently. I have no rationalization, and am just thankful that I stepped away from the recent tempatation. Thinking back to the long-ago episode, I see that there was great hurt in every direction, even for the person who didn't even know she was being betrayed. I could never again do this...I might have feelings for someone unavailable, but I'll create distance a lot more quickly.

Even beyond the guilt, I finally grew to see that another person on the list of those betrayed was myself. I think the "other woman" (or man) is betraying themselves too...any hopes of a joyful and complete relationship.

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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2006, 12:54:19 PM »
If you've been reading on this site for any time at all, you certainly know my opinion of affairs.

Just the other day, I saw the results of a poll taken by some university regarding what women value most in a relationship.  It was not romance, or being taken care of, finances or education--it was respect.  I have said more than once that having an affair is the most disrespectful thing one member of a relationship can do to another. 

Most of us have been tempted at one point or another, some of us (myself included in my 20's) have acted on it, but there is truly nothing good that can come from it.  If your relationship is so damaged or empty that you need to seek love (more likely lust) from another source; ideally try to fix the marriage first, but if that is not an option or has been tried and failed, then do the right thing and get out and get on before you get into a new relationship.  Relationships which are the result of an affair, have a less than 1% chance of success--so unless you are just looking for a quick roll in the hay, it probably will never be a forever love.

I have been watching my xnh waiting around for 3 years now for his married girlfriend to leave her husband and can't help but think how pathetic he is.  I don't know the woman or her husband from Adam so I have no idea why she continues to dangle my x or why he continues to wait (other than the sexual interest in an unavailable woman), but it is the least of what he deserves, for sure.



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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2006, 02:26:24 PM »
Hops, aren't all N's and BPD's CRAZY?


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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2006, 05:55:57 PM »
Sure...I think so in a way. But there's crazy and there's...crazy.
She sounds truly irrational. I've known Ns who were not irrational at all.
Selfish as you can imagine, but not irrational.

But it's not a very descriptive word, I know.
And it can be insulting to people who struggle with mental illnesses that aren't about having a defective I think I don't want to use it after all. Cancel that!

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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2006, 06:38:25 PM »

Don't get me wrong, people can stumble into triangulations, into affairs, when they don't have the strength to resist an attraction - but in cases like that, if they're really looking for healthy love, they'll soon realize this can't stay as it is, and they break the triangle one way or an other. They make a choice.

When there's clearly no intention of ever making a choice - then it's a triangle for sure, but it isn't about love.

Man, have you hit the nail on the head here.


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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2006, 10:47:51 PM »
Wellll, in some cases, it's more like love trapezoids, or pentagles...
just TWO adoration-sources isn't enough for some Ns!


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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2006, 11:13:39 PM »
Too funny Hops!   :D


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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2006, 06:33:23 PM »
Most Ns I've dealt with wouldn't even be satisfied with a love

Great Di-snub Dirhombidodecahedron
[ ]

although it would certainly make a pretty Christmas tree [or Hanukkah bush] ornament...

[but the Ns I have known would definitely like the 'snub' part!!!!]

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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2006, 06:51:29 PM »

Great Di-snub Dirhombidodecahedron

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

It IS very pretty Stormy!  What N wouldn't want one?

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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2006, 07:17:59 PM »
thank you SO much for my LOL number three since being here!!

What a giggle, except it was visceral, a belly laugh...
we need an icon for belly laugh...


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Re: Narcissism and love triangles.
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2006, 08:11:19 PM »
thank you SO much for my LOL number three since being here!!

What a giggle, except it was visceral, a belly laugh...
we need an icon for belly laugh...



Hey - you started it ;-) -- I just added a few more, um, angles. :D
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

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