OK, in continuance with our positive threads, I'd like to add a bit more here. I am glad I have had to deal with an N in my life. Here's why:
I know what kind of childhood I want my children to have. I am getting to be the kid I never got to be, but with them. I also recognize boundaries, though, and know how to be the parent in addition to enjoying the child. I have read extensively on childhood behavior and I try my best to do what will be good for them. My children are wonderful, well-adjusted people who are a delight to their teachers, friends and adults with whom they come in contact. I have taught them to be grateful for family, for the comfortable life we have, for the fact that we have had an opportunity to see so much.
I know how to be kind to people. I have seen enough negativity to last a lifetime. Sometimes I go a bit overboard... i.e., I worry too much about making other people happy, but I would rather do that than be unkind. I enjoy people of all kinds, backgrounds, lifestyles. I do not critisize others, even if I do not wholly believe in their way of life. I have explained that to my children too. When they ask why other children get to do something we don't do, I have told them that those are their family rules. Live and Let Live.
I have learned to save money and have a sound financial picture. Form watching this need to spend, spend, spend and HAVE everything, I have learned to instead be grateful for what I do have and that to have financial security is a lot nicer that to have the latest gimmick.
I have learned that there are no "better people." Being wealthy or well known does not make a person "better" in any way. I don't care who you are... if you are nice, you are nice. And if you are not, you are not worth my time.
I am not sorry I had an N in my life. How self-centered would I have been had I not been able to see these things? I can say my life is better for it.
Love, Beth