Author Topic: Perfect Love,Imperfect Relationships  (Read 1310 times)


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Perfect Love,Imperfect Relationships
« on: June 17, 2006, 04:43:29 AM »
Hi Everyone , I am reading from my monthly Shambhala magazine the one I think MUM gets and have come across a nifty book
(this is a cool word 13 year olds like)I am also eating fresh bing cherries at the same time multi tasking.The author is John Welwood.Healing the wound of the heart ,seems to be what were are here to do .I must stop the cherry is calling.yum yum ............
It says here to feel truly loved is one of life's most beautiful experiences .Yet why is it that our relationships don't often live up to love's sublime potential? Most of us carry an undressed emotional wound-a deep-seated,unconscious belief that we are not worthy of LOVE .This core wound must be acknowledged,examined,and healed before successful relationships are possible.Its a book to heal
your heart .Looks like a good read.
Has anyone found there own ways to reach in and find ways to find core wounds and then heal them in a special way?
the name of the book is
Perfect Love,

by........john welwood
Moonlight        night night  8)

PS I have not read it yet but am going to bookstore tomorrow and get it ,also to the assertive classes .My 27 year old agrees with Hops this moon goddess needs warrior strength. Ever so grateful for tip Hops tomorrow lots to do .............................
« Last Edit: July 01, 2006, 07:03:15 PM by moonlight52 »


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Re: Perfect Love,Imperfect Relationships
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2006, 10:47:42 AM »
Hiya Moon:

eating fresh bing cherries at the same time multi tasking

 :D :D :D 8) 8) 8) 8) Way to go!  Yum!  They sound delish!!

to feel truly loved is one of life's most beautiful experiences............................
 Most of us carry an undressed emotional wound-a deep-seated,unconscious belief that we are not worthy of LOVE .

Betcha these two statements are right on.  Sounds like a cool book Moon.

Ways to find core wounds and heal them?

A sort of self-hypnosis could help to do that, and help also with dealing with difficult periods of life, I think.  It might sound a bit looney but honestly......there's no hocus pocus and it has benefits, no matter what else happens, one of which is at least some stress reduction, which I don't know anyone who can't use a little of that. 8)

The process is fairly easy and can be learned by reading about it but's a matter of relaxing one's body, bit by bit, breathing deeply and slowly, and picturing stuff in one's head, while making silent/mental positive suggestions to oneself. 

One could  visualize their little inner child, wrapped in a fuzzy, warm blankey, laying in a cradle, being rocked back and forth by a loving mother, hearing her quietly singing lullabyes, and cooing, feeling the vibes of love she's sending to that child and the cozy, safe, wonderful feeling of being there, being loved (all, mind you, while one is reclining or lying down in a very relaxed state, breathing very slowly and very deeply, after clearing the mind of all other thought and using every sense to consentrate on this visualization).  Also, one might make positive, reinforcing and affirmative silent suggestions, in one's mind, while seeing this visualization, such as:

"I am worthy"
"I am loveable"
"My inner child is healing"
"I feel safe and comfortable and confident and happy"

I've done similar excercises, each time I've escaped an abusive environment and have found them to be very healing.   For me, I have to do my grieving first and then start a sort of regular routine of this. 

The idea of not being lovable or worthy or valuable is an idea that resides in one's head.
The way to fix that is to repeat, with consentration and sincerity, new and opposite ideas.

Does this make sense?

That's my take.  And it's worked for me in the past.  I've used it several times with good success.  The thing is.....imo.....

One has to be ready to commit to religiously practicing this technique with consistency, almost daily.
And one has to be willing to invest the time and effort it will take, as these wounds didn't happen over night and won't be repaired in a flash either.  So patience is a key.

You could also work to get to a very relaxed state, make suggestions to help you recall childhood events, re-experience the feelings in relation to those events, and comfort/nurture your child within......all silently in your mind, while again, breathing deeply and making some good, positive suggestions.

If I were to do this inner core work in this fashion, I would be sure to bring myself back to current, at the end of my "session" by  suggesting for eg:  "I will now return to the present day.  The unpleasant experiences of my past will now fade and I will feel healing in my core, warmth in my heart, and positive energy in my life."

Use positive suggestions only.
20 min absolute minimum per day (or almost every day).

Hope this helps.  It has for many people.  The worst it can do is waste 20 min.


Hope you will share any new techniques you learn from the book.  I'll be very interested to hear, if you feel like letting us know.

 :D Sela
« Last Edit: June 17, 2006, 11:24:26 AM by Sela »


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Re: Perfect Love,Imperfect Relationships
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2006, 12:00:52 AM »
Finding my core wounds and healing them in a special way--
I found this place.  Reading and posting here is helping me with that.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Perfect Love,Imperfect Relationships
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2006, 04:50:33 AM »
Dear Sela Thank you
PS     I am putting together the assertive womens class this session you suggest and Mum's positive thinking .
                   A lot of work but I am ready .