Hi, VESMB friends...
It's taken a while to come up with words for it, but it's dawned on me that in some part of myself, I have found new stability since discovering this board. I mean, I feel safer in my own life because of this community. I feel much less anxiety in general, and a sense of comfort that I'd been missing.
It is just amazing to know that 24/7 there is a space I can turn to. I guess, if I were happily married, I might have that comfort with a spouse...but since I know there are happily married people here too, I still believe this is a special kind of friendship. A literal always-open, online support group. It amazes me.
It may say something about the loneliness or "pod-ness" of modern life, but I don't mind. I do have real-life friends, but as I work full-time and have the daily duties with my mother, I see them much less often than I'd like to. When there's a weeknight event, I just feel drained (aware of the next morning coming at me, ready or not)... I make it to a few church things, but that's it. And the coupled people tend to socialize on their own, or with other couples, on weekends.
Anyway, to be able to talk and listen here, and knowing how many extraordinary, smart, and giving people are literally right HERE...just amazes me.
I just wanted to express my gratitude.