Hi Hops,
Please, please, give yourself a heaping dose of love, 'cause Love is the Answer, and I'm
positive 'cause I painted it on a piece of barnboard, hung it high in my kitchen and no one can walk in my house without smiling at it. Plus, you're my goodhearted pal who I've just never had the pleasure to meet so I need to stick up for kind, dear, and very giving Hops, and remind you how cool she is.
So here I am acting like a child by not doing my work.
May I respectfully point out an alternate view? imho, one of the true pleasures of being an adult is doing just what I want, when I want, even if it's goofy--maybe
especially if it's goofy--and accepting it's just what I seem to need at that second, and I don't need any better reason than that, whether it's cake for dinner or snoofing around this embracing website and reading/typing away.
I like all the good ideas you've gotten here about the impending visit, can I fifth or sixth them? When my MIL was here last week one thing that really helped was going to bed earlier than anyone else, especially since she was getting me up at 5 every morning. My bedroom is a happy playpen: books, music, French doors to the deck, so I felt relaxed after even a half hour or so alone in there and it made for a very peaceful end to tiring days with MIL. On a related note, also did some A-team dawdling, another little route to peace. MIL wears mondo makeup and performs extensive hair rituals...neither of which, um, I can relate to, but it did give me another consistent time block to traipse around my room or feed the birds or come in here and surf around or write my little head off.
Hope you're not feeling too anxious? For what it's worth, I almost sh*& a kitten in the 48 hours before MIL came...and the actual visit was so much easier than the mental ramp up. A breeze by comparison. So, maybe you've already weathered the hardest part?
Sweet dreams to you,