Hello Pavelle:
I want to say welcome to this board too. Gee, you've been through so much. But you do sound strong and have much going for you, I think.
It also makes it hard, since I am faced with this childlike man, broken and sad. My natural nurturing instincts run amok within me, I want to "help" like some crazywoman-which is really not helpful.
It sounds like your brain is telling you the correct stuff but your heart is fighting it? You want to help.
It's good to help. I wonder if it would help to think:
"The best way I can help this man is to let go of him".
It's true. You're not helping him get "better" right?
You'd be doing him a favour.
I feel like the heartbreak is too much for me and I cannot fathom why my brain and heart are so broken up. I keep saying to myself "just be logical, just know it, accept accept, you know you cannot win here...it will do you in"
I talk to myself like this too sometimes. Maybe your brain just has too much information and your heart has a lot of need? You need to feel loved? We all do. Or most people do, eh? Can you get love elsewhere?
Away from this sick person?
The major goal we probably all have is to get that "self-love" thingy happening. You do have stuff to love about yourself. Good stuff. Can you take account of it? Really count what you have done right? Have you survived heartbreak before? Can you find ways to look after and take care of you?
I do well intellectuallly with what is "real" and poorly emotionally. My heart strings are all jumbled up, disbelief, hurt,wounded.
I wish I could "cure" you with a big, large, massive cyber-hug.
I wonder if it would help to work on one emotion at a time? For instance....with grieving say.....try to really feel whatever if prevalent.....sadness....just cry and cry and allow yourself to release some of it? Maybe set a sort of time limit (sound ridiculous?). "I will really feel my sadness and cry for a good 20 min".
Then.....wash your face, go for a walk or cook something for you and your D?
Baby steps, is what I'm thinking??
There are things that just don't look too good and I do have the ability to be a bit paranoid myself, or maybe I should just call that "instincts". I really don't want to do this in retrospect, EVER.
I agree that you don't sound the least bit paranoid and that this is your ace in the hole. Remember what you want! (or actually...what you don't want) and keep it up front in your head?? Would that help?
I was rather an unsympathetic character, who knew, I wasn't letting on, half the time I had no clue...I had to metaphorically: shoot myself in the head to "get it".
That was then, this is now. It sounds like you've got stuff fairly straight in your head. Maybe it's just your heart that needs convincing?
I started to write this whole thing about my parents, then deleted it since I started to cry
Did you notice if you felt any better after that release? It really sounds like you had an awful childhood and maybe you have lot's yet to grieve there? Baby steps.
I thought this was a second chance at love, a second chance at happiness and I was going to be handed that as a reward for all my struggles.
All your dreams are smashed? Another giant huge loss to grieve.
But honestly, Pavelle, you're not dead yet. It could still happen for you.
I think you have the right idea about working stuff through first and not falling for this junk again. You can do it!! Others have done it!! You can too!
I can offer myself freedom, grow up and face the pain of grieving this and yes, run to the light that I have denied myself for a lifetime. Or stay in the dark and sleep. It's a painful choice, but the rewards, the push of all the years of work having a forum...
You might be surprised how soon you feel better. This man isn't answering any of your dreams or meeting any of your needs or doing a thing for....you. True freedom will come as soon as you let go of him. The rest will follow. I guarantee it!!
