Author Topic: Hi LoH: & confusion, emotions, self-trust  (Read 3116 times)


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Re: Hi LoH: & confusion, emotions, self-trust
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2006, 08:55:19 AM »
Hi LoH

Yes, we think similarly I think. I was reading your example and when I got to this, I drew in breath:

T. said, "Well, I can forgive all that, why don't we start over?" And, truly, I appreciated the honesty in that: she really didn't see herself as having anything to apologize for, so she didn't.

I feel like hugging you coz that must have hurt you? Hurt to know that your friend was in that place and you’d lost a friend; although you already knew it I guess. It’s still sad though, it still hurts? I guess you can see from my reaction above that I’m still shocked (though there is less of the rest of the cycle to go through these days I think). Have you found over time that the shock lessens, as your experience grows?

I know I've been guilty of obsessiveness, and insensitivity as a result, around my need to be understood.
Me too. Definition insensitivity?: in my FOO being insensitive meant not meeting others' needs (and that's what I exist for). But it also means not being aware (and therefore being insensitive towards oneself!). Just 'got' that. :D

I think selfish people with good intentions can do a lot of good in the world, especially it's not about validation/recognition/control/acceptance but just a simple expression of joy and self.
Yes. It takes self-ish people to act outwards towards others for the sake of acting itself, not for internal reasons. Self-obsessed people tend not to act, tend to obsess I guess, until they become selfish?

I enjoy your 'rambling' immensely and am so glad you’re talking like this. I do appreciate it. Happy weekend!


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Re: Hi LoH: & confusion, emotions, self-trust
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2006, 10:47:52 AM »
Hi Portia,

Thanks for empathisizing with me, and all the listening here.

T. said, "Well, I can forgive all that, why don't we start over?" And, truly, I appreciated the honesty in that: she really didn't see herself as having anything to apologize for, so she didn't.

I feel like hugging you coz that must have hurt you? Hurt to know that your friend was in that place and you’d lost a friend; although you already knew it I guess. It’s still sad though, it still hurts? I guess you can see from my reaction above that I’m still shocked (though there is less of the rest of the cycle to go through these days I think). Have you found over time that the shock lessens, as your experience grows?

Thank you for that mental hug, P. As to T. herself, the worst had come before I stepped back. So I felt truly released by that conversation--stark evidence that backing away was all I could do. The pain came in realizing that, because the friendship was now over versus adaptable, I would lose the strong, loving relationships I had with her H., Jay,  and child. Jay and I were friends before we met T. He read the invocation at our wedding and her D. was the flower girl. We were all family, and now I'd lost them.

As far as moving on goes, in an odd way, I have an ace in the hole. Emotionally, I lost my F. young, then broke contact with him, maybe forever, as an adult. Any loss I've experienced since then has felt much smaller. I stepped away from T. with love and prayers for her and her family, like I did with my F. So, though I agonized over both those decisions on the front end, I ultimately felt lighter and more at peace after those breaks. Addendum to this story: my H. ran into Jay on the street last year on the way to one of my H's music gigs. They're old pals, chatted during set breaks, had much fun. The next day we had breakfast with Jay and his brother. Expected the old Jay I knew and loved, such a beautiful mind/heart (you'd have liked him P., insatiably curious and intelligent, and with a child's sense of awe and wonder)...instead Jay made snarky comments, came off bitter and cynical. The rest of us were stunned, even his brother. All I could do afterwards was pray that his jibes came from having to listen to years of complaints from T. about me, and didn't reflect his true feelings about his life and marriage. Which would break my heart, even all these years later.

It takes self-ish people to act outwards towards others for the sake of acting itself, not for internal reasons. Self-obsessed people tend not to act, tend to obsess I guess, until they become selfish?

I don't have an answer, but have noticed that some self-obsessed people seem to be incapable of considering anyone but themselves in how they act. Your question makes me think of a cartoon I hung on my bulletin board at work: employee stands in front of boss' desk and says, "The meeting's at 10. I'll send you a copy of the agenda, the hidden agenda and your personal agenda."
My boss reading this cartoon =  :shock: :x...I thought,well, that's the thing about karma, Bubba; it's everywhere you're going to be! 

Cheers, Portia,
« Last Edit: June 24, 2006, 10:50:40 AM by lightofheart »


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Re: Hi LoH: & confusion, emotions, self-trust
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2006, 04:00:53 PM »
Hi PB,
You're saying you may not dialogue with Portia for a while, right? (I am sure people decide to not dialogue with me too sometimes, because I'm so active here. H&H, this is where people ask how I am! ((())))  I'm learning not to relive the playground...I hope.) I'm figuring that's what you meant because Portia started this thread addressed to LoH and you came in... You can of course just skip reading Portia if you need a rest from her voice.

For me, it hurts a bit to have someone ask me to just be quiet...I kind of felt that way when you posted about me the other day that you were tired of me. Please do just skip over me, okay? I need this place, and I need the freedom to post all I feel inclined to. I certainly don't mean to be oppressive though, and I do want anyone to skip over me who's needing a break from my voice.


hey hops - you came in too didn't ya?   :P

I have a reason for posting here, and it's cause Portia asked me to put my thoughts to her on the board.  I personally feel they'd be better if in PM's but I'm honoring her request.  So don't be so nosy, k?!

ha ha,
just kidding hops

I didn't ask for you to be quiet hops.  You can reread what I wrote over there again and perhaps come to a different conclusion today?  Take care hops.  Remember, we are who we are and what anybody else projects onto us (or tries to) is only their projections, it's not reality if we don't choose for it to be.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2006, 04:03:28 PM by penelope »


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Re: Hi LoH: & confusion, emotions, self-trust
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2006, 10:48:07 PM »
Okay....sorry if I misunderstood, PB.

I know, I do leap in.

No hard feelings.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Hi LoH: & confusion, emotions, self-trust
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2006, 11:10:28 AM »

now I understand your name so much better I feel. Thank you for telling me about T and Jay; it must have been sad to witness his different attitude but what can you do except as you say, let it go with a light heart and a would break your heart perhaps, but he makes his choices I guess and maybe it wasn't just about your relationship with T .. his attitude was simply a product of lving with T. Yes maybe he'd had fun with your H, two men out together, but back with your H and you - maybe he saw what he was missing? And felt bitter.

Thanks for this:  "The meeting's at 10. I'll send you a copy of the agenda, the hidden agenda and your personal agenda."  It's one to keep.

I think I remembered that the fridge message lady (80% of people..) came from you? If so, thanks! It's in this brain for good. 8)

best to you LoH, P   


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Re: Hi LoH: & confusion, emotions, self-trust
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2006, 11:43:11 AM »
(you'd have liked him P., insatiably curious and intelligent, and with a child's sense of awe and wonder).
I trust you on this, i would have liked him and that's even sadder. Hope he survives and thrives whenever he finds those qualities again)