Hi Kell,
Just wanted to say that I don't think you are ranting and I like your posts. I just don't have enough time or energy to always post responses.
I'd like to post responses to everyone, but, as mentioned, don't have the time and energy to do so.
You're processing events over and over in your mind, questioning and second guessing yourself. I used to drive myself CRAZY doing this and I try to tell myself to stop obsessing because it doen't help me.
I read some where that this type of obsessing is a symptom of being raised in a dysfunctional family.
How about this: Own what you did. Maybe some of it was right and some was wrong, but it's done and over. Now, look to the future and next time you're in a situation, be mindful and conscious of your words and actions.
As for the job, if it happens, great. If not, you will find something else. Just know in your gut that you WILL find something else. You are smart and resourceful. Put your thinking cap on, look at your options, speak to a career counselor. You have options and choices. Write down your options and choices.
I don't want to rain on your parade, but if this job doesn't pan out, what's your next step? Maybe by writing down a plan, you will feel less pressured and anxious.