Hi all,
I called my brother for more information about my niece. Unfortunately SIL didn't answer, but I think I got a straight story. They are delivering her tomorrow to a residential treatment program/school two hours from their city.
She is out-of-control, running away, hanging with "the wrong crowd" and has been arrested multiple times. I asked for what but he was reluctant to give details, said "violating curfew and other stupid stuff". He said this place they're sending her to is their last chance. It does sound like a desperation choice. I don't know if drugs are an issue but it has substance abuse treatment as well. He thinks she may be there a year or even two.
I told him I'd been thinking about his question about our mother, and thought it might be easier for him to give her minimal information, and that he might just tell her they're sending niece to a boarding school for kids with problems...which is another way of describing it. NMom will understand that much. He agreed, acknowledging that if he goes into it in a lot of detail she'll call him constantly. I didn't offer to tell her anything about it for him. His job if he wants to bring it up (and I think he would want to say something, because she calls him often and will notice if she never gets to speak to her granddaughter.)
As to him being here a week, I believe there is no family contact when the child first enters the program, so he's not abandoning her by coming. (Don't know what it implies about his marriage, but this is his pattern...he travels a lot. This time, he has one business appointment nearby--so he'll be in another city for a night--and will be here the rest of that week.)
I'm going to be supportive if he wants to talk to me about it. He did mention that it's taking a lot of money, so that could be part of his agenda in seeing Mom. But there's nothing I can do about that and I'm not going to fixate on it. His wife has a wealthy mother and wealthy childless aunt, so I believe they could find financial help there. Mom has minimal money, just our house. I'll stay out of that unless she brings it up with me.
I don't know if asking her for money is part of his agenda, but it could well be. Or, he may just need to get away, and is seeking comfort and a break. I don't feel good around him, but I don't blame him. I feel terrible for my SIL, but her mother, aunt and brother and brother's family, to whom she is quite close, are all in their city. And she's very involved in their church, so I believe she'll have support.
Basically, I want to stay out of it. I will send cards to my niece and pray for all of them. He said she doesn't take her medication and can't be left unsupervised, ever, because she runs off. She hasn't figured out how to work a stove or do her laundry...there must be other LDs involved. Poor kid.
thanks for listening,