How many of you would leave a relationship after such treatment and how many of you would just shrug it off and be 'understanding' that he needs other friends and walking out on him would be just a big tantrum.
Depends on what part of my life you're looking at as to how I would/could answer that question. Before all my therapy, self-reflection, healing the inner wounds of n father damage--leading to 2 now exn husbands; I would have shrugged it off and assumed it was part of his personality and what made him charming, and I did not deserve better.
HI, Jackie. I just quoted what Brigid wrote because it is almost exactly what I would have written (only I wouldn't have done such a great job...see below) ...exactly, right down to the 2 exN husbands (and except for the N dad, substitute twisted take on religious dogma there).
When I first read your post....I was instantly reminded of an eerily similar time with my second exN, before I married him (talk about denial!!!).
I went to the climbing gym with my buddy and he said he would be going out for his weekly happy hour with a woman he has known for years that was "kind of a girlfriend" in the past...but "not now". So I said, how about my buddy and I, or just I, meet you after climbing for a beer (this was when I used to drink some). He said NO, "I don't think she (his "friend") would be comfortable meeting you because you are so much more beautiful than she is and she has a bit of a physical disability and she would feel bad meeting you. Plus she was really sad when I told her we couldn't have sex anymore because I had someone I really cared about now" (they had a "friends with occassional sex" situation before me).
I'm falling off my chair now, reading that because it is sooo absurd and transparent, in retrospect and soooooo not what I am about now, but there it was. Alarms went off beyond compare and I thought I was so cool "acting" on my instincts when I told him I didn't want him having a "female friend' who I couldn't meet....or I wouldn't see him anymore. So he cooled it with her, told her he couldn't see her this way anymore. I was satisfied with the result and kept seeing him. I had NO clue what the whole thing meant in the big picture, because I was so used to not listening to myself, and thinking everyone else's opinion mattered more, especially if they were a good looking man who told me I was cute.
BUT, it happened yet again, as he was stringing on another ex girlfriend, it seemed, and the same routine happened again. And then I married the moron! I don't think this one "cheated" on me like the first and mightiest N ex, but the point is this:
I HAD NO IDEA what my boundaries were. I HAD NO IDEA what I wanted or deserved. I did not exist, as I was a reaction to everyone and everything else.
Why had I lost myself? Well, life with an N (the first ex in my case) just scrambles people up. That's what they do to us. Then we spend the rest of our lives trying to figure out what's ok and what's not ok. BUT WE KNOW IT ALREADY!!!!! We choose these people and the pain they bring us so as to learn something! What do you need to learn?
The reason everyone here is trying to tell their own experiences, and ask you questions, and NOT just tell you what to do is this:
YOU have to take your life back!!! THAT I will tell you! No one can do this for you, because if we do....where are YOU in this????
If I knew you I would take you out for coffee, probably grab you by the shoulders and say "WAKE UP, Sweetie!!".
Sex is just sex. What you have with this guy is NOT LOVE....and you deserve LOVE. If not from him....how about towards yourself?
Hang in there,Jackie. I know I sound like I am screaming (ok, I am) but this story is old....and so many of us have been there...and also didn't even know it. Hind sight is 20/20, and I recall many people shaking me, too. But I had to do it for myself. The power is internal. The change is internal. So is the love, hard as it is to believe.