Okay, dear board buddies:
I declare war on dem damn spam flammers! I wants to hit them all splat-FLAT wid' a hammer!
So here's the deal. Probably because underneath my general untidiness I have an unfilled June Cleaver neatfreak (well, she never quite gets it all together but she understands Martha Stewart is her sister)...I keep hitting Report to Moderator and then Submit (Richard doesn't need anything in the Comment part, so it's pretty quick) so he can whack them out of the board.
Wanna sign up? There's a signing bonus to join this anti-spam crusade! It's a mild little rush to tattle on them to the teacher, you know?
Anyway, y'all are more than welcome to join me in pouncing on them and reporting them the moment they appear. It's tedious but if we all do it, they'll be gone quicker.
(Just annoys me for them to have one of the little blue New buttons, since they don't DESERVE it.)
