Author Topic: Just a link to share about PD's  (Read 4903 times)


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Re: Just a link to share about PD's
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2006, 10:16:20 AM »
Hi RM --

Thanks for your thoughts. Have a good weekend!

Hope, you've put a lot of clarity into the topic here. Helps me too.

Mountainspring, I remember as a child being criticized for 'attention-seeking' when the real problem was that my parent was N and couldn't deal with a child's normal and human needs -because they wanted all the attention and resources for themselves! That kind of criticism can leave a lasting impression. ((((((((((MS))))))))))

Hops -- I know what you meant too. My Nmom had Munchausen's, she used factitious illnesses to hog attention and suck up all the available resources, both monetary and emotional. Eventually it killed her. Unlike Hope's friend, though, I am sure that my Nmom knew exactly what she was doing, until she got in over her head the very last time. Because of things I heard from various people after her death... ugh.

Write - re my Nmom above - kind of resonates with what you said about your ex, doesn't it.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2006, 10:34:50 AM by Stormchild »
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Re: Just a link to share about PD's
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2006, 10:28:16 AM »
Hi Hops…  the attention thing bothered me because N’s are always criticizing us for seeking attention.  I was a little triggered there and should have asked for clarification.   I'm sorry for jumping on you like that.


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Re: Just a link to share about PD's
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2006, 10:35:32 AM »
MS, what a perfect cross-post! ((((((((((MS)))))))))) me too, if it helps any.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2006, 10:39:26 AM by Stormchild »
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Re: Just a link to share about PD's
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2006, 11:04:14 AM »
(((((((((((((((((((MS))))))))))))))))))))) hon.
You know we're okay.

Hops who did not take it personally
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Certain Hope

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Re: Just a link to share about PD's
« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2006, 12:00:56 PM »
Thanks, Storm. (On edit, removing a reference in which I may have crossed a boundary by even mentioning a friend).  One thing that's quite eerie about this whole situation is that she reminds me so much of my aunt... never married, lived with my grandmother all of her life (she outlived grandma by only a few years)...  Grandma used to say, "Oh, she would do anything for you kids" (her nieces) and yet I always sensed an ulterior motive, a much darker side.  Aunt loved to spend money, on us and on herself... usually totally useless items at highly inflated prices. Only the best for her. She even used to complain about her plain name... she wished, she said, that my grandparents had given her a fancier, more elegant one. My mother, who is quite N minus the pathological lying, says that this aunt (her younger sister) was quite a handful as a child... biting, kicking, scratching... and that "Mother and Dad always seemed to know that she would need to be taken care of". My mother ~ the unemotional, self-involved, miserly, perfectionistic, stoical martyr and her sister ~ childish, neurotic, spendthrift, spiteful, passive-aggressive, clingy... arghhhh.  Sometimes I wonder, were they actually one person, split into two? So strange. And now, dealing with the BPD traits in my friend, I begin to feel like I'm taking on my mom's personality because to do anything else is to invite another ride on the rollercoaster. And... I am seriously questioning my own reasons for even choosing to engage with this person. In reading an article on "compulsive helping", I can see where I've crossed the line at times between caring and caretaking. If nothing else, this whole thing is bringing to life an old conflict within myself between the traits from both my mother and my aunt that might be lodged within me. I understand that boundaries are absolutely crucial when dealing with BPD. My dilemma is... in putting up those fences, I feel the rigidity and coldness of my mother sneaking up on me. I appreciate a challenge, but this one may be a bit too much for me.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2006, 03:42:02 PM by Certain Hope »


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Re: Just a link to share about PD's
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2006, 12:26:49 PM »
boundaries do feel like hardheartedness, that's why it's so hard for us to put them in place.

yours seem appropriately flexible tho.

hope, i see an aspect of your FOO drama here that i am wondering if you have seen too, or i am projecting. it sounds as though your aunt was a spoiled little hellion, and your grandparents may have favored her at your mother's expense. not an uncommon pattern in two child families and one that wouldn't have helped your mother grow towards health but would have fostered a kind of closedness, a kind of bitterness, a determination to protect whatever crumbs and scraps she got.

if i am totally off target, tell me to put a sock in it ;-) i don't mind. am not defending your mother, just pointing out an additional element to the family drama that might shed light on other things - if i'm anywhere near the truth, and if there are any other things that need light shed on them.

do you have a link to that compulsive helping article? I'm going to google the term, but if  you have a link I'd be really grateful...

sorry re no shift key, am eating...
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52

Certain Hope

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Re: Just a link to share about PD's
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2006, 12:47:42 PM »
Storm, here are a couple of the links...  unfortunately, this singular behavior of being compulsively helpful often gets lumped in with discussions of co-dependency. I thought this was helpful because it separates the "need to help" from the rest of the mix which may not always apply.

You may be right on target re: the dynamics within my mother's family while she and her sister and brother were growing up. My grandfather died when I was 6, but I surely remember all of the photos of him next to shiny cars, wearing shiny shoes... a very dapper fellow. I've always had a hunch that he was very particular and possibly quite demanding. From a few comments my Grandma made over the years, I do know that he was quite fussy about what he would eat. He also refused to allow my mother to go away to college, although she'd earned a scholarship. Of course, this was circa 1944. He spent the last ten years of his life incapacitated with rheumatoid arthritis and Parkinsons. I know that the family took many trips in search of treatments and cures.. from "gold shots" to sulfur baths. I suspect that he may have been the supreme N. Grandma always seemed very mellow and even tempered, which is probably why she lived to such a ripe old age... but I know that she had a fire within. She always said that it took alot to make her angry, but once she'd gotten mad, that was that. I have often thought that she must have been given a special grace from God in order to put up with all the other nuts in the family.  My mother's brother was the king of irresponsibility. He lived a dissolute life with alcohol, failed marriages, many years disability and dying of cirrhosis of the liver.
Yes, I can how my mother would have been influenced to develop such a severe perfectionism... such an overpowering sense of responsibility... and you're right, she guards and keeps her little scraps to the death. Ultra materialistic, she is. I always thought that was mostly a result of growing up during the tight times of the Depression. She hoards, too. I guess I spent so much effort trying to NOT be like her that I haven't given all that much thought to how she got that way. Thanks for your insights, Storm.
