Hiya H&H:
What I mean by normal is this: capable of loving, working, and adapting constructively to changing conditions and different people.
That sure sounds like a great definition to me! I'd love to be that normal.....all of the time!!
Ofcourse, that's impossible for anyone because no one is perfect, right? So.....then part of being normal is not always being capable of loving, or working, or adapting contructively to changing conditions and different people?
I wonder??
I think another nagging part of the question is... what is a normal reaction?
My answer would be that it varies according to a person's knowledge, experience and characteristics. There really is no absolute normal but maybe there is a basic normal.
Basically....the average person......would react a certain way to certain circumstances. Not always predictable though......depending on so many factors eh? Like what's an average person?
Tricky questions. No real answers possible maybe?
Maybe.......the real thing to consider is what feels comfortable and normal to you (or do you feel abnormal and is abnormal uncomfortable)??
Again.......this might be normal

.....some of the time for some people......to feel uncomfortable and abnormal?? Who can say? If different is considered abnormal......then....oh......help us!!! There are so many different people!! Is being normal being the same as everyone else?

Ok then.........last question to add to the confusion:
Why do you need this answer? (To ascertain that you are indeed "normal" or to find something normal to work toward becoming?? To determine if others are/are not normal? Just for the fun of it?

Or......could be a scary one coming.........to find some valuable normal stuff to help yourself feel comfortable???)
None of this may apply directly to you, H&H. I'm just tossing around some food for thought for anyone interested (yummy or wormy......depending on.......taste).

I admit.....I love pondering such questions. And reading what other people think. There are wise people here who might have much better answers (and even better questions) than I do.
