Hello Write,
I am a returning visitor here. I haven't posted for a while, but had a little "setback" and am checking in with friendly folks.

I am a big fan of recording dreams and esp. ones that feel important, like what you describe. If this were my dream, I would pay attention to the following:
I was an artist
this is very positive and means you are tapping into creativity (whatever form that takes in your life, not neccessarily limited to art itself). Perhaps you are becoming more spiritually "creative"?
and I made some stained glass, but it wasn't perfect,
this could mean several things. A cool thing about dreams are the multiple layers of meaning.
Stained glass, something spiritual, something transparent, allowing light, adding color,
stained could be another allusion to imperfection?
and someone in authority made a public humiliation of me
possibly your inner critic. Inner critics can be very angry when the artist emerges and threatens their power.
and apologising made her angrier
wow, very unforgiving...

I sometimes get all tweaked about strong authority figures in my dreams. Sometimes they are simply telling me to get off my rear and get going on doing what I say I want to do. Perhaps you are feeling exposed and apologize for taking a risk and angry person is angry that you are apologizing instead of getting on with it. It can be like a scary monster chasing you and you have to turn and say "hey, what do you want?" and it tells you. Maybe angry person doesn't want you to apologize for what you are doing at all! But are you used to doing that?
and I couldn't repay the huge money so I comitted suicide so they could have my insurance.
Perhaps you are willing to do anything to balance the books with inner critic and get it off your back.
Perhaps you are willing to "give up your insurance" means you are more willing to take risks, less willing to play it safe. You are handing it in to your authority figure.
Perhaps the "suicide" reference is a strong desire for a new life or least to give up the old one for sure, figuratively speaking of course.
I woke up crying at this point- more weeping soundless tears, not sobbing.
It is interesting that you have this reaction and yet title your dream "blessed sleep"...maybe this dream is bringing you real lifechanging information. I cry all the time when confronted with real significant life changes, even the positive ones.

Hope you don't mind my getting my feet wet again with a dream interpretation from out of the blue. Just offering possibilities and hoping it's helpful. I also read your post about HSP people which I found really helpful, esp. in light of recent events (a vague feeling of rejection and/or disapproval from an Nish friend that I might be over interpreting).
Take care, Miss Piggy