I'm so grateful for Sundays. Today it all came together. Love and support among the friends of my dying friend, another friend doing his summer sermon and bulling through his fears and doing a lovely job (I was his worship helper, a happy role), the pianist putting his soul in the keys again, and feeling that I was gathering with my family.
In addition to a happy morning at church, took a long nap, about to go to another meeting about local social justice work that will be interfaith. It's called IMPACT. The gist of it, as I understand it so far, is that local churches/synagogues, etc. of all sorts go through the same orientation. The idea is that each congregation works through a process to identify one or two (no more) social justice issues that they want to contribute to that year. Then, all the different groups meet together to go through a similar process. And they come up with the issues that ALL of them can support TOGETHER (setting aside their differences). So then they have rallies/take actions which help to effect positive change, or "have an impact." I really like anything that brings people together across differences of religion, background, etc. So I'm psyched. Will learn more tonight.
I'm thankful for this board too.