I haven't said much on the board up until now, because there was not much I really wanted to comment about, but when someone jokes about something that is profoundly negative, I take issue with that. Regarding the joke about "it sure is hot down here" since I hold that hell is a very real place of torment and punishment, and it's even depicted as such by artists, cartoonists, etc, I have a problem finding something funny that makes it seem like a real normal thing for someone to comment about it in a nonchalant place. If I'm wrong and hell is just someone's idea and not a real place,then fine, but I do believe it is real and it is TORTUROUS, so jokes about it, to me, really cause it to sound trivial...so it's the trivializing of a very negative thing, that I found distasteful and unhumorous. It's fine if other people disagree. I have learned that it's ok to let others own their own opinions, views, actions.
I'm not an N
I’d agree with you there. Do you say this because most often, it seems, Ns simply don’t have any sense of humour? (Okay, they like to laugh at other people’s misfortune,
That's what I was tryin to say above "Laugh at other people's misfortune" ...a joke is an attempt to make people laugh at another's misfortune...in the case of this one, the person ended up in HELL...funny? I don't think so. Was that joke not an attempt to cause people to find it funny that a person ended up in a place of eternal torment? If hell is real, it sure IS HOT IN THERE, and not a joking matter. That's just how I see it. I love humor, my dad is a professional comedian, but when it comes to joking about serious and negative things, I guess I have a problem with seeing the humor in it, personally. Nor do I think anyone who is in hell would be communicating with someone on the earth and if they were, they wouldn't be finding their own fate to be a joking or laughing matter. Again, this is how I view things.
but could someone please tell me how I'm supposed to react to this?
This was not a LITERAL question, as though I don't know how to react to this. Borderlines and N's make that statement a lot "how would you LIKE Me to feel? What am I supposed to say? I was being facetious here, as if to say "well of COURSE I'd find this distasteful.
Hey this sounds odd to me. Do you really need someone to tell you how to respond?
Not hardly, if you might not have already been able to tell by my numerous postings about how I felt, believed. I know exactly how to respond to things and have a very clear-thinking mind of my own.
So with Sela’s joke, well, you could think: this is Sela’s thread and it is for ‘anything’ so why not put a joke here?
Ok, no problem. Sela's thread, Sela's right to do what she pleases. Makes sense, thanks.
Okay, no problem. Do you ‘need’ to say so?
Yep, cause I wouldn't want anyone to think that hell is pretend and something to laugh at; for if that be the case, and they think it isn't real, they might just live their lives in a frivolous way and have to find out that it IS real. I care too much about people's eternities to not speak up and point out truth in this one.
I mean, do you think it is as important to say you don’t find hell jokes funny, as it is important for you to have done what you did with the couple in the restaurant?
Most definitely I do.
I think the restaurant actions were great, the helpful, courageous Laura in action. Acting on your beliefs in a situation where it mattered. A child’s life matters. As much as a hell joke? Nah, surely not.
Surely so! A child's life is a physical thing that is of utmost importance. People's spiritual lives and the final state of their soul is just as important to me.
People are going to make hell jokes all the time, why should you be bothered enough to even comment? Does it matter what other people think and say about hell, to you?
I've answered this earlier.
since I know it's an actual real place
I’m not going into this one, and I bet you don’t want to either.
Oh yes I did and have gone there.
I feel the need for all to agree with God, period.
quote] It doesn’t matter to me whether hell exists or not:
This does not compute for me.