Thank you for the kind words

The Thankfulness journal idea comes from Simple Abundance ( Sarah Breathnach ) which I am two weeks behind in the daily reading bit, because she suggests so many books I just had to look at eg. Katherine White's exquisite 'Onward and upward in the garden'.
I also started reading the Fine Romance book on relationships you recommended ( Judith Sills ) Hop, and I am speed-reading a couple of novels for talks and bookclub.
My life is so full and rich right now, let me tell you about today.
I went to a Unitarian talk by Jungian psychologist James Hollis this morning, topic: Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life.
Then I stayed for the service which was about the Indian Bhagavad gita and featured Hare Krishna people chanting with clay drum and harmonium.
Then I met my Bhuddist friend for lunch in a Thai place, he is lovely to discuss all this with and is doing some spiritual searching of his own.
Now I'm home, have walked the dog, read a little, written a little, had a long chat with ex who called in, ordered pizza for son and friends who're staying the night, washed my bedsheets!
( That's all so ordinary but so good somehow...)
I made a new friend in my office I made some progress towards forming friendshipsThat's wonderful!
it's time to begin a thankfulness journalyou won't regret it: it really helps keep life in perspective.