Off topic for a moment
I'm a pretentious jerk, buy my book. 
It applies to so many, too often and what’s more…..people like to buy into the pretension!
I think 'meme' was coined by the lovely Richard Dawkins.Coincidence: I was trying to read RD last night about memes and thinking to myself…..I feel confused, I feel reactionary against this meme thing…it’s making something of nothing, or seeing patterns and calling them a name when in fact…..he’s conning himself? I had a look at something from 1995:
He described ideas as competing, self-replicating entities he called memes. Dawkins's most recent book, River Out of Eden, extends his life's work into a unified evolutionary theory arguing that all life, at its core, is a process of digital-information transfer.
These ideas are intriguing, even a little outrageous, but - most importantly - they have proven astonishingly influential. When a Dawkins meme smacks into your neurons, your neurons obediently repattern themselves around it. You might resist their explicit message, but they are difficult to ignore and impossible to dismiss. They're quite fit - in the Darwinian sense.
impossible to dismiss ???? nah, I’m not interested

! Funny how people reach a certain level of success – Dawkins, M Scott Peck, John Lennon etc – and then they get up themselves. Success bad for some egos; adulation bad for some leaders. But don't some folks love to adore Emperors? Bah.