yes, I'm in therapy since November. It has been eyeopening for me. Painful, but necessary.
In my family the scapegoat is always changing, but the constant thing is there is always a blacksheep. I have also often felt like the lost child as a kid, but more the scapegoat as an adult. There are lots of desciptions of these roles in texts, I think the book my T gave me had to do with alcoholic families.
Therapy is good, I look forward to it now, but at first it was hard to go. Once you start being honest with yourself, you typically move forward very quickly in therapy. We've been working on a Timeline of Emotionally signficant events. I've had to think of these since I was a child, write them down, then the belief I came away with about myself due to the event.
For example: once when we were kids, parents took us to Montana. Road trip and my Mom got upset at us and asked the older kids (me and my 2 brothers) to get out of the car. It was in the middle of no where. Anyway, Mom took off after we got out and drove a mile or so down the road before she stopped. You can imagine how that felt, I thought she was leaving us! Anyway, the belief I came away with was: this family is unstable, people are unreliable, I'm not good enough, the world is a scary undependable place...
I'm not sure, but I somehow think we're going to work on reframing those thoughts into something more positive: like maybe - look how beautiful and peaceful this place is. The mountains and trees are wonderful, I'm glad I'm here and even if my Mom is pissed off, I can take care of myself. I'm strong and beautiful too because I live in this great world.
hmmm, I like that thought.
see, so you can reshape history, and sort of parent yourself. They're all just memories, might as well make em good ones.

One thing about doing the timeline that I noticed was - even though a lot of my childhood was painful, there were some positive things and positive beliefs. Because even really abusive parents are not all bad. I couldn't remember those before, but now I'm starting to.