Hops, how I wish i could do spontaneous, creative, lateral, feeeeling when sometimes I just feel cold (a cold outsider). No phil'ing back there, just my incomprehension at dawkins and thinking hey, if i think this is a wind-up (memes).....maybe I should trust my instinct? (instead of thinking: oh this is some great 'thinker' I should try and understand...ha!

Regardless of whatever the value of his arguments might be, he seemed a remarkably unpleasant and intolerant man.Wish I could see that interview. I put a lot of value by watching folks talk, first impressions and all that. Doesn't matter what they say, if they're arrogant sh*ts! I haven't seen him but in this book I'm reading I baulked at some of the words. This line for an example of condescending and superior:
"I do not wish to steal Doctor Blackmore's thunder, for I have been privileged to see an advance copy of her book, The Meme Machine (1999)."Now: if he doesn't wish to steal her thunder, why say so? What's the point of saying so? Aha. becasue he can mention her book before it's published - thereby taking some of the thunder for himself (he wishes), rather craftily. Showing he's
her superior because she showed it to him. What BS. Fancy leaving it in the final printed book I'm reading. It's : So what? Who cares? haha.
I wonder whether success turns good people bad or merely reveals what was there all along.I don't know. From the folks I've seen get successes, it doesn't change the okay people (maybe gets them stressed and crazy, but not immoral or bullies) but those who you know are not okay, well, they get worse and worse until they crash. 'Success' as we mean it here does have odd effects. Maybe if dawkins et al had remained relatively unknown they'd be simply.....irritating, instead of really annoying? Or maybe they would have learned a few hard lessons and got some humility along the way? Who knows?
'End Your Narcissism' is so sad/funny though.