Hello everyone:
I just wanted to check in and say that while I am still reading, I don't have much energy to write these days. Tomorrow it will be one month since my mother's death, and while I think I've made some progress, it is hard. I miss her many times each day, and I feel a lot of vivid, painful emotions associated with her death and our relationship.
I believe there will be a new life for me, but at the moment, I can't see it. The experience of my mother's illness and death sort of consumed me for ten months. Moving on is both strange and difficult, but I know I will do it. I don't want to stay in this place, and I shouldn't. But right now, the way out is hidden behind a lot of sadness and guilt and anger--all the stones in that wall called grief.
Anyway, please know that my thoughts are with you all, even if I'm not saying much these days. I hope to get back to more active participation soon.