I really like it that you're open to spending time and getting to know several people in a light and present, be in this day and enjoy it, kind of way. Keep that up, dear.I wrote to him and thanked him for a lovely evening etc. he's not responded so I will not write or call until he does. And I'll gently introduce reciprocity into one of our conversations, he was talking about making deeper relationships with siblings and stuff so it doesn't have to be about me/ romance!
I am not going to actually get involved romantically with anyone else until I figure where this is going, he's a really honest straightforward guy and would soon back off from any game-playing, that's one of the things I like most about him; but I think we need to have a talk some time soon and 'put our cards on the table'.
Sometimes I think the emotional investment goes into the not knowing and fantasy whereas if he were to say, sorry I just want to be friends I can take a real step back and just enjoy the friendship without feeling like I might be trampling something else.
( if that makes sense )
The is it/ isn't it thing is definitely a pain in the neck... (although I think the image of you plucking daisy petals is a charming one Thank you, not sure if we have daisies in Texas?
I think it would be a shame to not ask for what you'd really like, on your terms, even more than once, if for no other reason than to get practice at it You're right, and until I can handle the emotions associated with rejection I can't really risk a relationship can I, they often only get worse as time goes on.
He doesn't seem the mean kind, who would totally reject someone, or harshly, so probably a good candidate to open up with too.
I am getting less insecure, and more happy with myself, and my life is straightening out, and I am beginning to know myself better than ever.
A lot of my anxieties come from being overwhelmed or ill or stressed or tired, so I am learning to manage them:
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Thank you all for talking/ walking me through this ((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))