I have a need for threads to stay on topic...
that said, I'm probably one of the worst offenders.

So, to quote Portia: no one dies if my thread goes off topic. But some days it sure would be nice *sigh* ...imagine if we could all FOCUS. I have this thing about the world becoming more and more ADD, and I'm trying to make my paradigm different, that's all. But I know it's prolly futile.
OK, I'm off my soap box now.
But yes, I think threads are for ALL. Even those you've "officially" stopped talking to (if that is the case) can respond, if you start a thread or post a response - if you don't want to read their post, skip over it or read it, but sit on your fingers.

But demanding people not post to or about your threads? Whew, you can try, but how the heck are ya gonna enforce that one?
Lotta times I think people are afraid to start their own thread so they'll post something to another thread completely off-topic cause maybe that's where people seem to be "at." Just my observation there. So when somebody flies in an drops a fly-by turd (or gem) sometimes I think: well, I guess they needed some attention. There goes my thread, and my train of thought - OH WELL.