Emily, you have it right -- they are heartless. My NQueenmother has not tried to directly contact me in almost 3 years. She has asked others to tell me that she wants to speak with me, to discuss certain things, but I have not made any efforts. The Queen has summoned me but I have ignored her. I don't want to be around her ever again. I don't wish anything bad on her, really down deep I don't, I just don't want her to get any more nourishment from me. She ate me alive for so long. Emily, N's never can get past their unrealistic sense of grandiose and importance. Respectful, loving children and those with compassionate hearts don't challenge them on their inappropriate actions of superiority (at least not for a while) -- others who are detached and those who are themselves N's or partial N's trick the N's into thinking they adore them and allow a sort of pseudo food-fest from time to time, aimed at personal gains. If you're not "involved," then it can't hurt can it? If your parents are N's, they don't experience the heartache and sorrow that non-contact with a child should bring. You don't need them, but you feel like you do. All little girls need their mommas. I don't know what to say to help you except this -- be very careful in the amount, type and quality of the contact your children have with your Nparents. Monitor everything and don't put anything past them. It's almost impossible for people who have not been victimized by N's to even begin to understand. I swear to you, if you cover it up as I did, your children will not be aware and when their grandparents' Nfaces are unmasked they will not know how to handle it.