Umm, Jackie?
Just a thought here, and I could be totally wrong.
I think I remember that your last guy did really hurtful things to you, involving dropping you like a hot rock if some other gal called on the phone, and making lunch dates with her when he was in the midst of a reconciliation with you. I'm pretty sure that was your situation. I'm glad you have moved on, he was causing only pain.
These things don't usually happen in a vacuum. What I'm wondering is if some of these other people had become accustomed to mistreating you, casually but more or less consistently, and you're more aware of it from them too? And perhaps are taking a stand about it now and refusing to let them get away with things you once tolerated, because once you learn to do that in the closest relationship you can also do it in others?
If this is what's happening, then people who have been taking you for granted, or whatever, will get a bit ticked off at you for not being a happy pushover anymore. This is called a changeback reaction. [Change back to the nice person you were, whom we could all so easily mistreat and take advantage of.]
Again, I don't know the whole story so I could be totally absolutely wrong, but I do know that abusive lovers and abusive friends tend to run in packs... this could be happening because you are standing up to things you never stood up to before, on multiple fronts.
just a thought.