Just to add something else and to get back to the OP, I am a wonderfully good liar. Not that I'm proud of it, and not that I believe lying is acceptable and these days I very seldom tell a lie. However, growing up under the pressures in my home, I learned to lie to escape punishment/abuse of both the emotional and physical manner. When you grow up in a mixed up home, especially a home that is bent towards violence, lying convincingly is a survival skill. When forgetting to feed the dog would get me a 30 minute red faced, screaming-meemee performance from my mother, during which she would recount every wrong thing I'd ever done, I learned to lie and say "yes ma'am, I fed the dog" and then I would sneak a scoop of dog food to my room and feed him out my bedroom window (lucky for the dog my window overlooked his fenced in area). Would you believe that 30 years later I still have dreams in which I dream that I've forgotten to feed the dog for a really long time and I walk to the fenced in yard (in trepidation) to check on him, fearing that I will find him dead or nearly dead, however in my dreams he is remarkably healthy and not terribly hungry. IOW, in my dream he's o.k. In real life, he didn't go hungry either, just got fed out the window on occassion

My mom made me take piano lessons for 10 years ---do you know how long 10 years of weekly piano lessons is????????????? I had no talent or innate skill for the piano whatsoever, in fact my fine motor skills have always stunk, but my mother believed--- BELIEVED---- that if I just wanted to, I could be a first rate pianist. And she dreamed of me playing in church one day---all for her glory of course. I hated that piano, I hated practicing, my poor teacher knew my mom was fanatical about my taking lessons so she endured me (and hey, it was money in her pocket). Did I lie about practicing the piano?? Heck yeah, for about 5 solid years. My mom expected me to practice 45 minutes a day. But usually no one was home to know the difference, so I lied and never felt bad one bit for it.
One good thing, though, is that I have learned to not put my kids in the position to where they feel they have to lie to me or else face the firing squad for telling the truth.