Hi, everyone,
I'd been doing some research on the subject of goal-setting, specifically personal goals, although educational and career goals could certainly be included. But then in the midst of that reading, I remembered what it was like when N was still in the picture, coloring everything gray and fogging up the landscape. All of the listed goals in the world wouldn't have helped me a bit at that point... I was too occupied with trying to survive. Even for those who are long free of immediate occupation with N's, various situations and life crises can leave us feeling unhinged, flattened, unable to imagine how we should proceed. So it seemed to me that one of the key things that's been missing for me at times like that was motivation. What can we do to help ourselves when our old support systems have faltered or failed and we feel like the rug has been pulled out from under us?
I hope this helps. Seems like a good start, anyway.
center]Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
—RalphWaldo Emerson [/center] Here are some strategies to build Motivation: 1. Focus on the positive, but do not ignore the negative
2. Develop high self-esteem, believing you have the competence to learn, a sense of personal dignity, worth, and self respect.
3. Use positive self talk and imagery. For example, I am creative. I can see myself succeeding in the future.
4. Focus on clear, specific, purposes and goals.
5. Acquire skills and habits of success
Taking responsibility for all areas of my life
Getting immediate help when I need it
Committing to following through
6. Take responsibility
7. Be in the present
8. Be well balanced:
physical ~ (sleep, diet, exercise, no drugs)
mental ~ (think critically, alert, and mindfully)
spiritual ~ (sense of purpose and meaning)
social ~ (not overly social nor isolative)
9. Focus on success not failure; opportunities, not problems
10. Create support. Listen and spend more time with those whom support you
11. Strive for excellence not perfection
12 Reward yourself
Now all of that may seem like alot, if taken in one gulp, but I believe it's possible to work through one at a time and quickly notice a dramatic change in attitude. I can also see how we each might tend to especially neglect one or more of these important items when we get preoccupied with pressing circumstances, so my may need to give those items more individual attention. I'm starting out a bit backwards here, but these are the areas I feel a bit convicted of my need to pursue, so it's #'s 10 and 11, for me.
Happy motivating!
With love,