Why are you staying? Do you not want to have to tell people that you "broke up." You know, you don't have to tell them anything... just say it wasn't working out. That is the truth and no one else needs any details. Then you can work on yourself.
Take care eyes.
Love, Beth
Hey Eyes Opened,
Actually, since everyone seems to know what a jerk he is and have been telling you to run for the hills, I'd be tempted to hire a plane to drag a sign across the sky saying
"I finally did it!!!" And then throw myself a party.
I don't mean to make light of your situation, but I know what it's like to be with someone who puts a controlling damper on what you can discuss
and feel, and it is one of the most oppressive situations to be in. If I wasn't cheerful enough, (after seeing other women behind my back and leaving me), then he wasn't going to grace me with his occasional visits anymore. If I was too happy, because he actually spent a special time with me, then whoa! Better back off there, girl. Your happiness is a kind of heavy thing to carry.
So I started to edit what I was feeling, careful to not be too down when he was around or too up. It's not a matter of just watching what you say or keeping an eye on your emotions. You start to numb yourself out. You deaden all your emotions...and not just around his company. You can't just pick and choose...okay, I'll feel with depth here and I'll be numb here. This numbing out will creep into every other aspect of your life, until there's nothing left of you.
If you can't have your thoughts, if you can't have your feelings, what do you have?
Your thoughts and feelings
are you. He's not censoring topics of conversation. He's censoring your humanness.
Oh, and by the way...he's no Jack. Jack would have wanted Rose to do just what she did, because he loved her and wanted the best for her with or without him. He encouraged her to live, to be true to her authentic passions. Does this sound like your guy?
And, please, don't feel ashamed you "got yourself into this". Many very smart, kind and sensitive people have found themselves in some of the most abusive relationships with narcissistic people. They don't target shallow, stupid, unfeeling people. That would be like hanging out with themselves. They need good people to make themselves feel better by association, and so they can have a high starting point from which to tear you down. Now, that would be an accomplishment and verification that they are superior, after all.