Pennyplant, your post really touched me and inspired me to comment.
In allowing myself to work with him again, in his office where he is comfortable and well-liked, I have gotten to see just what kind of "connection" I have/had with him. I see now that I was just a new source of supply. How that hurts. I know that you all know this kind of pain.
Yes, I have. It feels so weird to see that you are merely a replaceable object. I think what helped me a little, but also saddened me, was that the next person Jodi chose to be the Supply Source, was also merely an object to be replaced when she failed to produce for Jodi. It did hurt at first, until I saw that it was about a cycle formed in Jodi's childhood, and it was not about me or who I was, or that I wasn't a good enough friend/mentoree. It was about HER.
But this is a new realization to me. I have never understood this before in quite this way. I'm just now beginning to understand how this kind of unravels my previous understanding of my life up to now. I sometimes think it is going to take as long to understand as it took me to get here. Forty five years.
No I don't believe it will take you long to understand. Just realize that you can't understand something that, in itself has NO EXPLANATION. These people were made crazy by the way they were raised, to not speak up, or to be the PERFECT CHILD, to "make mother proud" all the time, to keep the family secrets. If you are able to keep that in mind, you will overcome this. Separate yourself from their issue and let THEM own it.
I don't know whether to be grateful to have finally figured it out, or very angry at having so much of my life wasted. Mostly I'm incredibly sad right now. I have rarely allowed sadness before now. I always had anger, or a love interest, or obligations to distract me. All that is pretty much gone now. I'm just left with this sadness. It's making me very self-centered and lethargic.
I believe you are in a very good place right now. It is ok to feel grateful you figured it out...this is a step to definite healing for you. Wasted life? No. I'd like to suggest that you see this as a learning experience, that one day, you will use to help others who are still stuck in the cycle with the N. Sadness...ahhhhhhhhhhhhh A GOOD, IMPORTANT EMOTION. Anger is the one most resort to first, because it's so powerful and easy to come by. Sadness means you are really starting to FEEL, and that is GOOD! Let yourself mourn a while. Be teary-eyed when you think about how much you loved this person, but that they may never be able to love you in return...that is called REALITY. You are now losing the illusions and truly LIVING life. I commend you for that.
Self-centered? I see this, but in a GOOD way. You are now coming OUT of DEPENDENCY on another human being to meet your needs and fill the voids in your lack of self-worth. You are now being able to realize that YOU are a SEPARATE, IMPORTANT, VALUABLE individual, who has been VIOLATED by an unhealthy person.
Lethargic? Not sure what you mean by this, but if you mean sort of in a daze, that is a normal feeling after going through what you have.
Take heart, be encouraged. You ARE on the RIGHT, GOOD PATH