Author Topic: many or your issues might relate to a narcissistic parentHOWoftenDOtherapists...  (Read 1684 times)


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many or your issues might relate to a narcissistic parentHOWoftenDOtherapists...
connect that into therapy when they suspect such
and also tho how often do they not recognize it ,
when they could  have and it could have helped the therapeutic process.....


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« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2006, 06:09:16 PM »
many or your issues might relate to a narcissistic parentHOWoftenDOtherapists...
connect that into therapy when they suspect such
and also tho how often do they not recognize it ,
when they could  have and it could have helped the therapeutic process.....



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In my experience, the therapists around here have barely even HEARD of NPD let alone counsel for it.  My daughter now works at the center of Mental Health where I got meds a while back when I was on them...I also took another of my daughters there to find out why all she wanted to do was sleep all day...when I would tell her therapist (who used to be mine), abotu the N-Jodi and what she did to me, the therapist would sit there blankly staring at me and finally say, "what is NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER?"  I just wanted to SCREAM "WHAT THE __________ DO THEY TEACH YOU PEOPLE IN SCHOOL?  THAT IS ONE OF THE BASIC PD'S AND I KNOW MORE ABOUT IT THAN YOU DO?"  Same thing regarding Borderline PD.  She had NO CLUE!



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I agree, it seems like the therapist I have seen want to fit you into a box and not deal with the actual problems.He keeps telling me I should n't have such a low opinion of myself, which I agree, but shouldn't we deal with why I do. Just get rid of the NP, earsier said than done, as you all know better than I. I have been released from counseling several times as they feel I know what's wrong, but am  not willing to do what I should do. I don't believe that, but need more insight into myself.


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In all the years I went to therapy, no one ever diagnosed my mom as an N.  The word came up about my ex but I never really went after it until in 2004 - September, I did some google searches on not having a say or not having a voice or not having an identity.  I came across this website and it was eureka!!  It was so wonderful to rub shoulders with others who had experienced similar situations in their lives.  I even thought that it would be ok after my nmom dies because then I would be set free.  But someone said to me that all the negative self talk that has been ingrained in my mind will still come back to haunt me.  So the baby steps are good.  I was rereading some of the posts I did in 2004................part of me said, "Oh no!!  Things are still the same!!  Nothing has changed!!!"  But then as I read on I realized that I have made some steps.  One person suggested that I learn to put all the stuff that my nmom puts on me, right back in her lap.  And guess what?  I have become a master at putting her stuff right back in her lap.  One for Kelly.

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"

Certain Hope

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Dear Eyes,

  I imagine that therapists are no different from anyone else, where N is concerned. Reading a textbook or even having N's as patients isn't going to give the full picture. It's the difference between head knowledge and heart knowledge... anyone can read about a topic and get a level of intellectual understanding, but until you've lived with it, you don't know.

  For instance, my divorce attorney has practiced law for many years and many of his clients have been women with abusive husbands. He understands manipulative jerks. But he doesn't "get" NPD. Throughout the 2 years it took me to get free of N-ex, my atty would propose this method, or that tactic for dealing with his NoNsense. At first, I'd say "that won't work.. it'll backfire...he'll use it against us"... and he'd shake his head at my "ignorance". By the time N had sued me for contempt of court on an order that he himself had failed to complete, this lawyer was asking me, "what should we do now??"  Maybe now he gets it. I sure hope so.

  When it comes to N, the person who's lived it is the expert.

Kelly, Your mom and the chaos she generates around her will not likely change, but you are full of possibilities and loaded with potential!  :)

« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 08:01:18 AM by Certain Hope »


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Hope, your words of encouragment help a lot!!  I think I do have possibilities and believe I have so much talent.  I just wait for the day when I can walk away.  I'm a bit impatient, but it will happen!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"