Hi Moon,
I say yes, always, to poetry. 'Tis in the blood, imho: the Irish way's long on heart-on-the-sleeve poetry & keeping the chin up.
One of my favorites from Galway Kinnell, on love and change, with a sweet nod to you, Moon:
The Old Life
The waves collapsed into themselves
and heavy rumbles into the darkness
and the soprano shingle whistled
gravely its way back into the sea.
When the moon came from behind the clouds
its white full-moon's light
lightly oiled the beach stones
back into silence. We stood
among shatterings, glitterings,
the brilliance. For some reason
to love does not seem ever
to hurt any less. Now it happens
another lifetime is up for us,
another life is upon us.
What's left is what is left
of the whole absolutely love-time.