*** This was a paper that my mentor had me write, since I have this habit of "labeling" people as NPD, BPD, and telling them they need help and need to be on meds. She is teaching me to be more tactful in how I present things to wounded people who really might need help and meds. I hope you find this informative to read. I enjoy writing a lot. If you are not a Christian, please understand that there are many Christian "faith" sects in the world, who teach against using medicine in treating any type of illness, including psychiatric ones, which, I believe is to the detriment of individuals and possibly society as well.
Debunking the Medicine Myth
This is a written discussion about what the Bible says regarding the use of medicine for treatment of illness. It is written from my own point of view, and can apply to physical illness, but I am primarily gearing my information toward answering questions and debunking the myths regarding using pharmaceuticals for treating psychological and mental disorders in the Christian Believer.
Perhaps you are a person who currently takes medicine for treating a mental/psychological disorder. You may be somebody who is struggling with trying to stay focused and emotionally stable.
This information I am presenting here, might give you some help and insight, as well as to dispel the condemning voices and attitudes of some of the "faith-movement" churches who encourage rejection of people who use medicine to treat their illness. Maybe your church group forbids using medicine due to a belief system that states that if God intended us to put foreign substances into our bodies, He would have posted a chapter in the Bible on "Pro-Medicines."
Possibly a feeling of guilt is keeping you from even venturing to try a medicine prescribed by your doctor or therapist, because you feel like your faith will appear as weak to your Godly peers who are doing just fine by standing in the truth of the Word of God, "confessing to possess" their health and deliverance.
I can even personally relate to the feelings in all of these situations, as I have taken an anti-convulsant for a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, and faced the disapproving glances and comments of my "faith-only" friends. I have experienced guilt from not being able to "stand in faith only" for my healing.
I have seen more books in the charismatic sections of bookstores, that are anti-medicine, than I have seen of those that support the use of medicine by Believers. Here, in writing, I hope to offer an alternative Bible-based view for those Believers finding themselves needing to resort to using medicine in their lives.
Let the Debunking Begin
Myth #1
If you "only believe" you will be healed.
This is usually quoted from the verse in Luke 8:50, because Jesus told a person in this scripture that if they only believed, the woman would be healed. I would like to suggest that, yes, in that instance, all it took, along with the woman's faith, was a mere touch from Jesus and she was made well.
In some instances, the brain chemistry of a person will not line up with their will to enable them to have a rational thinking capacity. God provides medical knowledge to doctors, in order to create pharmaceuticals that balance the chemistry of the brain.
I personally experienced this situation. I wanted so badly to be able to "only believe" myself able to think straight, but no matter how much I cried out to God, got hands laid on me, begged, pleaded to the heavens, and no matter how many scriptures I confessed over myself, the confusion and the drive to get revenge on people who had wounded me, continued to haunt and obsess my mind.
At a point of wanting to die, I finally demanded that the mental health clinic do an evaluation on me, to find out what had been tormenting me almost to death for so many years. I had, up to this point, tried everything else I knew to try. I consulted my medical practitioner for a thorough physical exam, then went through 6 hours of counseling and deliverance from a married couple who specialized in helping people bound by devils.
Nothing helped me, until I finally took a tiny pill. After 30 minutes of the pill being in my body, every extra traumatizing thought ceased, and, for the first time in my life, I did not feel like I was being controlled and compelled to do things that were totally contrary to my people-loving nature. It was like God sent me the gift of sanity and reasoning, in one little tablet.
It was as though I had eaten the Bible scrolls that God presented to His prophet in the Bible. I was suddenly feeling wise and in control of my mental/spiritual faculties.
I believed that at last, God answered my cries, from His heavens, according to Psalm 119 v 145. I did what God's Word told me to do so many times, asked for wisdom because I lacked it, James 1, and , through my search for help and ultimately my new medicine, my prayer was granted to me.
Myth #2
"Oh ye of LITTLE FAITH!"
This was a rebuke given by Jesus to his followers during a storm at sea, in which they did not trust him to keep them safe and alive. Let's examine my view of this situation realistically.
First of all, Jesus was right there with them physically they knew his nature and that he would not allow them to drown in the sea, yet they allowed rationality and trust in God to go "out the window" instead, following their emotional panic during the moment.
For a person suffering with mental/psychological illness, it does not usually take an extreme situation for their reasoning ability to shift to panic-mode. These struggling people live constantly "on edge" with the tendency to react in an insecure or unstable way.
I do not believe that Jesus would have rebuked someone who was truly not able to think logically or who lived in a constant unsettled frame of mind, by no fault of their own. They cannot use their free will, because their mind is hindered by imbalances of chemistry. God understands and has compassion on those people.
When Jesus said, "Oh ye of little faith, he was correcting a group of men whose minds were able to trust that all would be well, not people who could not even conceive of what being "well" felt like, due to being raised in abuse, molested or just having a chemical imbalance that caused their brains not to work right.
Myth #3
Pharmaceuticals come from the word "pharmakeia" which is derived from "witchcraft," and God strictly forbids His children using any form of witchcraft or sorcery; therefore, taking medicine in not ever an option for the Christian person.
Jesus told his disciple Peter, to "take some wine for your stomach." Most people are aware that wine contains a mind-altering drug known as alcohol. If Jesus/God did not want us to utilize any form of medicine that could alter our brain chemistry or emotional state, suggesting that Peter use wine to treat his stomach ailment, would go against God's own belief and decision.
Since God does not contradict himself, it must stand to reason that medicinal treatment is ok where and when it is warranted.
Myth #4
Medicine will totally change your character and nature. God created you just the way He wanted you to be, so do not mess with His Divine plan.
If a medicine changes who you are, it might be the wrong one or an incorrect dosage. The Bible says, "even if you drink poison, it will not harm you." (Luke 10 v 19). Medicine is not supposed to harm nor poison your body; rather, it should act as an extra help to bring your entire "self" into a place of healthy balance, so that you can live your life as the best "you" you can be.
Myth #5
Medicine turns people into zombies, so medicines are all bad!
God's word says, "a merry heart does good LIKE A MEDICINE." It is actually the "broken spirit" that can destroy you, more so than using a substance that is referred to as "doing good." Some people are not able to get to the "merry heart" state of mind, due to lacking some chemicals in their bodies and minds. This is where medicines can be very beneficial.
Myth # 6
Since you were not "given the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind," you have only to trust God and the fears and anxieties will dissipate.
It is true that you were not given by GOD the spirit of fear, however, this does not guarantee that you did not have it imparted to you in some other way.
Perhaps you have this spirit of fear, through being abused or threatened or merely through a chemical or neurotransmitter dysfunction in your brain. Medicine can often help in the balance and often healing of these problems.
Specific arguments about wine not being a "fermented" drink, so it cannot be compared to a mind-altering substance, such as a prescription are:
1.) Wine in the Bible days, was nothing more than grape juice. People did not get drunk on it.
On their journeys in Bible times, wine was carried in animal skins, because as the liquid fermented, the skins could expand to keep it fresh and drinkable. Obviously quite a bit of wine was drunk in Bible days during travel and celebration, and people did get drunk at the Wedding Feast of Cana.
The leader of the wedding was shocked that Jesus "saved the best for last." The reason for this, is that, usually the host at weddings, would have the best wine drunk first, so the people would not notice when they were drinking the cheaper drink, due to being already drunk.
2.) Ok, but their form of wine did not affect their minds like a drug can and does.
2 Samuel 16:2 says that "wine is for those who are faint in the wilderness." Why? It helped pep the people up, as in "eat, drink and be merry." (It wasn't Kool-Aid they drank to get the pep back in their step!)
Some more characteristics of wine that prove it does alter the chemistry of the mind just as any drug does:
Esther 1:10- King was merry with wine
Ps 60:3- wine of confusion, proves that wine can cause bad alterations in one's thought processes when used in excess or in the wrong type
Ps 104:15- wine can make a person glad
Prov 20:1- wine is a mocker
There are many other things that wine does, both positive and negative, but they are too many to list here. A word study on "wine" will help give more input on this.
Wine can be used for good or for bad; same with medicines. When medicine is used to help a person function at his/her fullest level, it is a good thing.
The hope is, that eventually a healing will take place in the body by some means, and the person will be able to discontinue using the medicine and live a wholesome life without it.
For some, this is highly possible because the body eventually has altered and balanced its chemicals and neurology.
For others, medicine may need to be used for a longer period of time.
The most important thing to keep in mind, is that God looks at your heart and knows exactly what you have need of before you even ask or think it. He does not condemn you for needing help in life. (Romans 8:28). "There is therefore now no condemnation to him who is in Christ Jesus, who walks not according to the flesh but by the spirit."
God desires for you, His Beloved to prosper and be in health even as your soul ( mind, will, emotions) prosper. If taking a medicine will promote His plan and help you to be who He has called and commissioned you to be, then you have His favor upon you and His mercy and power will work along with your medicine, to promote the healing you need.
Chances are that if you have been prescribed or need a medicine to help bring things into balance, your behavior may be erratic and even irresponsible and dangerous toward yourself and others, when not taking your medicine. If this is the case, I believe that God would rather have you take a medicine that helps normalize your behavior, so that you can set your mind on becoming fruitful in His will for you, rather than staying in a mental/emotional/psychological state in which your troubling behavior may cost you relationship, jobs, sanity or, in extreme cases, even your very life!
God is a God full of love, mercy and grace. He desires that none should perish. I believe that settling for a life that is less than His best for you, because your mind does not function normally, is not in His plan. He wants you to be successful and healthy in your mind and body both on this earth and in your new body in heaven.
In His love,