Thank you Hope, thank you Write, for your kind understanding.
Pennyplant, you are the exact opposite of a do-do... thanks for pointing out something I'd never have thought of! That perhaps the stridency I've encountered has come from a wee bit of guilt in these women; ['I'll put down the quality of your affections because in that way I can feel better about the quality of mine.'] Subtil, subtil stuff, but it makes it so much easier for me to meet it compassionately.
Portia, you are absolutely right. There are terrible mothers out there, and although I wish I'd had the chance to raise a family, I never met a man I thought was really fatherhood material.... Thanks for the healthy dose of common sense.
Hope: a decade ago, I was trying to figure out how to get back to the States from Switzerland with my cats. I'd been able to fly over via Swissair, but coming back I had to use a US carrier that my new employer had a contract with, and I didn't trust them...
so I had to book a nonstop flight from Zurich to Dulles, and that meant getting myself and three cats to Zurich, never mind my luggage, without a car.
Train no good, the pause at the Zurich train station wasn't long enough for me to be sure of getting everyone and everything off the train in time if I didn't have help!
Finally a friend agreed to drive me... and as I was booking a hotel [so the critters would have one day to rest there before going through the airplane ordeal] I began to wonder if I wasn't overdoing it a tad, if this wasn't perhaps a furcovered form of idolatry.
So I prayed about it, and I have rarely prayed with more earnest desire for enlightenment before or since. So help me, the words "Proverbs 12:10" came into my mind. In that voice - you know the voice I mean, the one that isn't a voice at all, just clarity somehow formed into words...
And so I went to look it up. And guess what it says - in the New International, which is the version I was reading through at the time, and the one I naturally went to.
Pro 12:10: A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.
You could have knocked me over with a feather. My knees went. I spent a long time in tears of gratitude - holding and petting my cats, shaking like a leaf. And - of course - we all made it safely to Zurich, and safely back to the States...
Heaven help me, that I had forgotten that. What more answer do I need, then or ever?
Beth, thank you for this blessing in disguise!