Hey all!
write- I have an easel and can't figure out how the heck to put it up. But maybe I'll give it a whirl today. It would be inspiring to have it up!!!!!
Everyone else... I loved reading your replies!!!!!!! And every one of them had something insightful to ponder!!!!
I realized that I had the world's dumbest train of thought... Here goes, if you can even follow my silliness:
As I said, 99.9% of the people I work with are wonderful and make my job breezy and fun. As you all pointed out, this guy was a jerk and, here's the thing, somehow made me feel inferior. I have to email our students occasionally to ask a question (like, are you coming to graduation) and he NEVER replies and so I have to guess as to whether he plans to finish or receive feedback from his teacher instead of directly. So it makes my life more difficult. And I feel like he does that because he found me unpleasant in some way (I told you this is ridiculous... I am embarrassed to be writing this, but a little humility is good and I am proving how SICK our minds can be

). So, at any rate, to find out his wife is beautiful and accomplished and doing something that I would love to do somehow again made me feel inferior.
Reality check? I have the world's sweetes husband... and he's hot to boot! (Yes, he comes with a lot of little flaws and occasionally he can be a monster pain). I have travelled a ton, enjoy learning and have so many nice friends and acquaintances.
I think I just needed to think this all through. I hate it when I have a feeling/thought and I DON'T KNOW WHY. So there you go. I hope in some way this thread helped someone besides me!
And a little nice envy can be a good thing, as you all said

Maybe I will get myself doing something new.
Love, Beth