Thanks everyone. Your kind words really helped.
I spoke to my friend earlier and she was traumatised and sore but she feels they were very lucky- her teenage son heard the noise and looked through the window and it was seeing him which led the attackers to flee.
She said already there are so many positive things- the love of friends and neighbours, her son's mature response, and she intends to do something about the gang problem when she is feeling better.
Her words were non-judgemental, entirely no hate and so heartening, I am very lucky to have such a beautiful thoughtful friend. She is full of love, and she's had a difficult life all the time I have known her, she's had cancer twice and has a husband who is quite N, but it's given her a strength of purpose and consideration and perspective on life which is amazing.
One thing she said, I was ruminating on: we think we create security for ourselves in life but there's only so much we can do, just be aware and appreciative.
Hearing about another horrible thing for her did shake my faith a little, made me think 'How can this happen?' but listening to her I understood. It's these things which made her so compassionate and wise.
( incidentally she has a Unitarian Universalist background too Hop! )
One of the reasons I have been feeling so anxious is all the violent news stories here, so many horrible stories lately- bizarre so they were in the headlines a lot; and another friend's husband was mugged at gunpoint in the Spring, he wasn't injured so I didn't think too much about it, but then yesterday I started a new music group.
I had been told to prepare for hostility from some of the staff group, from the new manager. It didn't materialise. They got up and sang and danced and hugged the seniors. One staff member seemed to want to participate a great deal so I let her set the tone of the whole thing and she was wonderful.
After the new manager took me on one side and said it was the first time she'd seen the staff lady smile; her daughter was raped and murdered just a few weeks ago.
We should all pray for violent men and the unhappiness they cause.