Author Topic: OCD and Procrastination  (Read 4331 times)


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Re: OCD and Procrastination
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2006, 08:54:44 PM »
I think a clean downstairs bathroom is quite something! (I didn't have a timer going...) How about considering the FEELING of each space you deal with...not how you "ONLY" did 5 minutes worth.

Hmm, what would help. How about this! How about putting a FLOWER in every spot you conquer.

That little bloom (or leaf or bit of greenery from some shrub) will smile at you every time you look at what you've accomplished and say to yourself...well, it was ONLY a few minutes of focus.

Gee, GS. We gotta get you in the habit of loving yourself hon. You get big squishy self-hugs and cyberhugs for every little thing you do.

C'mon, do it. You know how. Hand over shoulder, pats on back. No, that was half-hearted. Now do it again...with some AFFECTION. Faking it is FINE (that's how you get self-love if it doesn't feel normal at first--you FAKE it!) Talk friendlily (is friendlily a word?) to self: Hey, self, you did what you did and you did that just fine! Bravo, me!

(I sound silly but I am cheering like crazy. I know. I know. I so get it.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: OCD and Procrastination
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2006, 10:41:15 PM »
I love the cheering Hops.  Thanks, thanks, thanks.  I can't get enough of it.  I've always been so auster about such stuff - probably masochistic.  Anyway - you are right - I need to lighten up.  I had an epiphany today that I have taken on what was projected onto me and now it is time to let it GO, GO, GO. 

Thanks for being my cheering squad.  I sure could have used on growing up, glad to have one now -

Gaining Strength


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Re: OCD and Procrastination
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2006, 10:47:50 PM »
Hops, you come up with the cutest ideas.

GS... remember, if it's not perfect today, you can always reclean it later:) I try to live by those little tips in the magazines too... when on the phone I sort through papers or clean out a drawer. I always (almost) go upstairs with something in hand (or downstairs). I do a little bit here and there. I know my house is OK, but I still have the shame too. I also have a cleaning person come in once a week... and I still have the shame. So, GS< let's have a cup of coffee and focus on each other and not analyze the spot on the wall that needs scrubbing or the fish tank that has a bit of algae in the corner. Like you said... progress not perfection. My favorite three words :)

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: OCD and Procrastination
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2006, 11:18:02 PM »
Meant to thank you so much for the permission to say I hate paperwork! I do. But I do think there's some interesting aspects of it that remind me of ocd-ish things. I'm not saddened by that really it gives me a sense of insight...(my dear dad was a bit OCD, though we didn't call it that)...

And thanks for the suggestions too. For me, the task, once I get through Paper Mountain, is to stay on it, just the few minutes a day it will take to keep things in control. It's the daily dealing that I think makes paralysis or phobic types of things so hard....

If I were phobic about snakes I could probably avoid them forever. But feeling practially phobic about one of the legs of a more secure life ... I must deal with the stuff.

My progress has been in spurts...I don't spend or buy stuff often. So it's not's just an escapist thing, because the financial/insurance etc. paper part of life is symbolic of the security I've had so many fears about.

Falling asleeeeeeeeep, sweet dreams TT...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: OCD and Procrastination
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2006, 11:34:30 PM »
progress not perfection

Oh how nice!  I am so clear about how devastating perfectionism is.  Progress has never been enough.  That's a great place for me to focus.

Hops - I've never thought about my own paralysis in those terms before.  Eureka!  That's it - it is a fear about security!!  I grew up with money but now have no money.  I went from one state to the next with out a word from my Daddy Bucks.  He was so in charge that he never allowed me to be in charge of anything myself and never taught me how to provide for myself or what I needed to do.  He was either in charge or gone.  His way or nothing.  Now I get it.  I am terrified!

Now I've got a name for it I can do something about it.  I can't thank you enough, can't thank this marvelous community enough.  I am truly grateful.