I got your prayers, I felt your support, I thought of you several times (as I avoided more) over the last few days, I felt your presence as an ally, I felt so much kinship over the letting-things-pile-up paralysis, I prayed for us both in church, I got your PM...
and my Executive Secretary Angel arrived!!! (True, she looked something like a bat, crikey, not the standard white-feather type, but hey, I like bats and given the state of my room, I can certainly relate to
GS, bless your orderly caring peaceful worthy inner self, I paid my bills!!!!
Not all of them, but the ones that were critical. And get THIS!

The one I was so scared about having put off 2 months since I just KNEW the credit bureau thingy would report me as late 30 days+...I called them and it didn't even happen for two reasons I'd never thought of:
1) I had a credit from returned shoes and they counted that as a payment
2) I do have an excellent track record of normally paying promptly
3) I have two days' leeway and that's the exact date the service will transfer the funds
All gobbledygook but instead of tearing my hair out over my math phobia, I just neatly wrote in EVERY transaction my online banking indicated, accepted the BANK'S total for my current balance, and though it's by the skin of my teeth (I majored in tooth-skinning and last-minute paper writing), I am caught up with NO DAMAGE.
Anyway, it may sound guffawish for a grown woman to be thrilled about having processed a very few checks, and ALL THE FILING STILL REMAINS, with some other things to be paid...but there's time...
But it is a serious confirmation to me of the power of...support.
Thank you, Gaining Strength, for sending me some of your strength.
(And I greedily ask for those vibes to keep coming, and I am convinced I will get that filing done. Not this evening...church meeting, but I can put in an hour early morning, and get the rest done Sat., before I leave for my week with my D, and then I can truly relax.)
((((((((GS))))))) Now, I'm going to keep on specifically and intentionally sending you support, often. I don't know what just happened but it felt like such a gift.