I stopped expecting approval a long time ago, with two N parents. In fact, I've sat on the other end of the spectrum for quite a long time, fearing telling them about good things that were happening to me in life.
Yeah they're probably livid with me, but so what? They're always livid with someone, and that it happens to be me (again) is no biggeee. I've also learned how and why not to instigate them though. Which is the only reason I think I'm feeling so much anxiety about meeting my brother/wife/and two kids for dinner again...I finally tapped into the feeling. Is this worrying necessary? Probably not. But it does make me feel better to be prepared for the worst, which would be them showing up on my door, for a "lecture" about respect, or some other nonsense. And if that happens, I'd call the police at this point - I told them I wanted no contact, that's really what I meant.
Hope this makes it a little bit clear for anyone who may have been confused by another post of mine on another thread. Also, it took me a bit to figure out why I was reacting as I have been. I'm afraid.