Author Topic: Another Story  (Read 1161 times)


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Another Story
« on: August 29, 2006, 09:39:46 PM »
So here's one more story from my trip which absolutely flabbergasted me...

I was telling my parents how the kids are between sizes now and I am glad they make pant with the adjustable waists now and such...

My mother dreamily said, "Oh yes, you were between sizes for a while. That's why I started making all your clothes. Besides it was fun."

Well, what I remember is that everyone felt sorry for me and asked me why I dressed weird all the time.

So, what did she get out of it? Did someone compliment her once on her sewing? (Possibly out of embarrassment at seeing me dressed that way?)

And, I also remember that whatever she made me was inferior to what she made my sister. One year when those sweaters were popular with the designs around the neck, she made one for my sister out of some fine, expensive wool. Mine was out of cheap acrylic yarn. There was a reason (there always was for the discrepencies) but I can't remember what it was now...
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams

Certain Hope

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Re: Another Story
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 01:22:22 PM »

  My mother sewed alot of my clothes, too, because of the strict length requirement of my parochial school, where only dresses/skirts were allowed. I guess the difference for me was that everyone there was under the same restrictions, so I never felt bad about it. I'm sorry her dreamy-eyed memories don't match up with your own reality. Some of this sort of discrepancy is bound to occur in any mother/child relationship though, I think. I know that my own kids have told me later about something they thought was really goofy and here I'd been thinking I'd really done something wonderful. The key is... I listen and don't feel personally invalidated when their preferences differ from mine. If we were out clothes shopping or something and my mother tried to get me to choose something I really disliked and I said so... she'd get offended and stalk away in a huff.

   That sort of preferential treatment she showed between you and your sister is really inexcuseable, I think. (((((Beth)))))
I'm guessing your sister more accurately reflected your mom's vision of herself? In many ways, my brother does that for my mom, in that he's materialistic, money-focused, and his life is one big show.

Leaving all that in the past,


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Re: Another Story
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2006, 10:36:13 PM »
All Ns seem to have one thing in common.  They think they did a good job.  My nmom speaks of covering up my mouth when I was three because I always talked too much.  I told her (and I wasn't joking) that she has had her hand over my mouth for 43 years and I am just trying to have a voice.............she laughs.

And clothes shopping?  I cannot remember how many clothes we bought for me over the years that were her taste............I was her mini me for quite some time.  Finally (see the boundaries/trauma thread) I blew up and now I dress how I like!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"