Last night was VERY hectic as I had to be late getting to work.
As I was driving down the Beltway heading to the new church, I came across a very bad accident that had occurred SECONDS before I arrived. Another witness was just standing there and I recognized him as a former member of the local football team from two decades ago. I asked him who was hurt and his response was: "My wife has already called 9-1-1" and he climbed back inside his SUV, leaving the injured victim alone in her smashed up vehicle!!!! Since I have First Aid training, I parked my car and went over to the victim to assess her condition. She was in shock, hysterical, and was climbing out of her car towards Beltway traffic that was flying by! I steered her away from the traffic and got her to the side of the road, reassuring her that she was going to be all right. At no time did the football player get out of his nice, comfy, warm SUV to help! I was thinking to myself: "You may be a famous football player and I do NOT want to know you, twit!" I stayed with the victim until the EMTs and the police arrived and rendered assistance until the scene was under control. Then, and only then, I got in my vehicle and went on to work. The football player left before I did after he gave some statements to the police. I'm hoping the victim will be OK.