Hi Bones,
I know what it's like to be in your kind on bind. I've worked in government and I'v worked in prisons. I felt that working in a prison was like Jean Paul Sartre's "No Exit": We make our own hell and hell is other people. Dealing with prison staff is horrible. But, working in a prison can be unpleasant and there are bad people behind those bars.
Yes, you cannot bring in "shives", etc, things we take for granted (like the small bottleof aspirin in my purse) are not allowed inside prison. In a prison, the prison staff views all things as potentialweapons which an inmate could use as a weapon. I wouldn't be surprisedif you are body searched each time you go, But, this is prison!! and it is very mind blowing.
I'd like to suggest that you try to detach yourself from those who try to foil your efforts. Remember you are there to help your clients. Of course, the prison thinks your work is molly coddling BS. But, Bones, realize the prison guards have very little education and that prison administration is propobably very pro law & order. So, please realize who your're dealing with.
Think about how hard it's been for you to find a position. Please don't let the jail staff mess up what definintely will be an excellent learning experience. Please keep your client's welfare in the forefront of your mind and detach from the animosity of the jail staff.