I admire you for documenting everything steadily and you know what, you never know...
If you keep your cool and keep pages and pages as clearly and logically as you've just
explained it here, and present it very matter-of-factly EVEN IF your job is wiped out,
perhaps someone in management would say to herself/himself:
Hmmm. This employee has obviously worked very hard in a trying situation, yet has
presented me with a clear, neat summary that has contributed to our assessment of
the situation. This person could be an asset in Program X.
Know what I mean? I think a LOT of the time, being assertive plus helpful (even
when you're gritting your teeth) and communicating very thoroughly, can sometimes
turn into a positive reference, a referral to an even better option, whatever.
So if the worst-case happens, don't give up! Ask yourself, okay, now who can I
write to with my intelligent and very professional summary of various issues I've
observed, and suggest solutions?
See where I'm going with this? With written correspondence that shows both effort,
conscientiousness, and professional, you can create a path for yourself sometimes,
even when one doesn't appear to be open.
This strategy has paid off for me in many jobs. I presented with interest, a supportive
attitude, and displayed my brain.
You have a fine one, Bones. I'd love to see you strategize and network for yourself
in that way.