I think a clean downstairs bathroom is quite something! (I didn't have a timer going...) How about considering the FEELING of each space you deal with...not how you "ONLY" did 5 minutes worth.
Hmm, what would help. How about this! How about putting a FLOWER in every spot you conquer.
That little bloom (or leaf or bit of greenery from some shrub) will smile at you every time you look at what you've accomplished and say to yourself...well, it was ONLY a few minutes of focus.
Gee, GS. We gotta get you in the habit of loving yourself hon. You get big squishy self-hugs and cyberhugs for every little thing you do.
C'mon, do it. You know how. Hand over shoulder, pats on back. No, that was half-hearted. Now do it again...with some AFFECTION. Faking it is FINE (that's how you get self-love if it doesn't feel normal at first--you FAKE it!) Talk friendlily (is friendlily a word?) to self: Hey, self, you did what you did and you did that just fine! Bravo, me!
(I sound silly but I am cheering like crazy. I know. I know. I so get it.)