Dear ANS,
Thank you for this: Sometimes I come here and just read. There are many times that the responses are so great I do not feel there could be much left to say. A few times I have just been too drained to respond. I suppose we are all very cyclical people and will respond rather in accordance with those cycles from time to time. How nice to have a choice, eh?
This is so well said, ANS, and I so agree. How wonderful to have a choice and to recognize that it is a choice... That we cannot be all things to all people, that we do not have all the answers and cannot be expected to always "know", and that we sometimes are going to be overwhelmed and need to take a break. I appreciate you very much, ANS, and just wanted to say so.
Dear Gaining Strength,
Does anybody else share this? Sometimes I feel that I have already said too much and that one more comment will really tick someone off, one more post will push someone's tolerence of me over the edge.
Yes, I feel that way, right now, as a matter of fact. In my efforts to stop avoiding unpleasantness, I'm aware of the risk of going too far in the opposite direction, trying to take on every unpleasant, uncomfortable topic/person/thought/feeling all at once. This business of healing is not a science and I think we're all learning as we go, by trial and error. I'm very glad you're here and although I haven't responded much to your threads lately, I'm taking it all in and it's helping me alot. Just wanted you to know how very much I appreciate you, as well.
Dear Teartracks,
What you posted here is what prompted me to make a response at all on this thread. What you've expressed here are my beliefs too, about how a group can and should function, in awareness and appreciation of each person's individual calling, role, current position in the healing process, giftedness, uniqueness... all of these things. Personally, I've never been able to settle into a group, because of a sense of being the odd person out. Demian/DreamSinger expressed something similar when she returned to the board recently, and I've thought of her often lately, wondering how she's doing and where she is now. Demian, if you're still reading, I miss you here.
It's been a struggle for me to try to be known here (anywhere) without assimilating to the extent of losing my own identity. Because of people like you, I'm gaining confidence in that area and wanted you to know how very much I appreciate your integrity, your kindness, and your generous spirit. Thank you, Tt.