Author Topic: Telephone Tyranny?  (Read 2466 times)


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Telephone Tyranny?
« on: September 10, 2006, 12:42:49 AM »
Something I thought I'd start before I go, because it does interest me a lot.
I unplug my phone a lot and am grateful for voicemail. If there are any messages they can silently collect until I choose to hear them. I don't have caller ID but have no particular harasser as others here do. I would so hate having to deal with that.

I have thought a good bit about why I dislike the phone, only have one friend I enjoy yakking with. I think my mother was so obsessed with talking that she used the phone like a bludgeon, C
CONSTANTLY, and her talk was so boring and repetitive and she never I grew to dislike it.

I decided that I don't want a cell phone, ever. If I am ever in a job that requires one, I will not give the number out. It feels to me as though people have leashes around their brains that are always being yanked by the ring.

Anybody want to share telephone tyranny anecdotes? It's a good thing to take control of, I think. It surprises me to remember that not so very long ago, people didn't have a startle-and-leap reflex at the sound of an electronic device, and be forced to instantly begin a conversation, ready or not.

Do you think telephones, and how we manage them, change our lives? How?

Will look forward very much to reading all your thoughts when I get back.


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Re: Telephone Tyranny?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2006, 12:52:56 AM »
I ignore mine. If I didn't, I would get nothing done. I let calls roll into voice mail, and my greeting says: please send me an email, and gives my address. I read and reply to emails faithfully at set times during the day. I pick up my v-mails once daily. Otherwise, I'd be interrupted so often that I would finish nothing.

I learned long ago to ignore phones - when I was in college, some of the girls in my dorm were prostitutes... yes, they really were... the phone rang ALL NIGHT, and although I was the youngest kid on the hall, I simply stopped answering it. I wasn't gonna aid and abet some hooker and keep interrupting my own studies every twenty minutes.

Phone-ignoring is probably the best skill I ever acquired.

I do have a cell. Outgoing calls only.

PS think long and well before sending your kids to a 'party school', moms. that's where I went. hookers in the dorm were the least of my troubles.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2006, 12:56:26 AM by Stormchild »
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Re: Telephone Tyranny?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2006, 02:50:33 AM »
Hi Hops and Stormy ,

I do not have a cell phone I do not want to be found that easy ha ha
Also Mr moon got caller ID and there will be no voice message I can hear so I am on safe ground.
Mr moon and oldest d have cell phones in case of emergency.
love, moon


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Re: Telephone Tyranny?
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2006, 10:50:06 AM »
I am not a "phone-person".

When I was a kid I loved getting and making phone calls during the times when I had a comfortable number of good friends.  Then, when my peers turned on me and I had fewer friends, sometimes only one friend, the phone reminded me that I was unpopular.  So, I kind of outgrew telephones on some level.  Was kind of mad at the phone.

In my twenties, I noticed that some people would wear me out with long-winded, one-sided telephone calls.  It would drive me up the wall to not even be able to get a word in edgewise to say it was time for me to go so I could end the call.  I would lay on the floor shifting the receiver around because my ear was getting sore and sweaty.

In my thirties, my sister began using her phone calls to us as a replacement for hiring a psychiatrist.  Long, long calls made usually when she was drunk.  She would talk in circles about the most difficult problems and get mad if you gave advice or became frustrated with her.  It would last one or two hours and she would go on a binge calling me first, then my father, then my mother.  They felt sorry for her and would let her vent endlessly as a way of helping her.  It would be the same thing over and over again.  In the background she would be screaming and swearing at her son or significant other and saying terrible things about them within their earshot.  It began to take over some of my evenings.  It got really bad about five years ago when I took on a job where I often had to wake up very early the next day and had had a very long day already where I only had maybe one or two quality hours before I had to go to bed again.  I became very angry and resentful that she demanded I waste my evenings like this.  She seemed to not believe me that I had a real schedule crunch and was truly exhausted from my job.  I owed it to her to listen to these drunken rants because my life was easier than hers.

Finally, I began screening my calls.  Then my mother began to get annoyed with me because she knew I screened out my sister and figured I was probably screening her too and became offended.

That is what basically ruined the phone for me.

I rarely answer the phone anymore and let the machine pick up.  People rarely call me any more because of this.  They seem to be taking it personally.  It is a no-win situation.

At work, because of my lack of seniority and being a door mat, I was, for awhile, the person who was always left to answer the phone, no matter what I was working on or where in the building I was.  The supervisor noticed that everyone was taking advantage of me in this way and put a stop to it with a  new rule that by the third ring, somebody better be heading to that phone and it better not be PP.  There are still people there who don't think they should have to drop what they are doing to answer the phone, including the new girl, but it is better for me than it was.

Cell phones--I have one because my father insisted on paying for one in case he needed us in an emergency.  Then he was afraid to bother me by calling me on it.  He was dying then, so I guess that explains the inconsistancy.  I rarely use my cell phone, but the ring still reminds of the time the nursing  home called me in the middle of the night to help them sooth him from a panic attack.

Most people I work with call each other all the time on their cell phones to chitchat. So, the phone is back to making me feel unpopular again.  My N friend is never without a phone and makes and receives calls as often as he breaths.  He is at his most normal on the phone as far as being able to talk to me like a human being.  But I have only called him twice.  Once it went okay.  The second time he blew me off.  I have only seen him do that a couple other times.  I think one time one of his kids called him or his wife did.  99% of the time he relishes his calls.  I was hurt the time he blew me off.  Especially since I was calling him to continue a conversation he started that got interrupted.  Guess he lost interest in the meantime.

It seems easier to just not be a phone-person.

This topic sure does raise my hackles.

I prefer email, but there are drawbacks.  It is not as personal and not immediate.  I think that can be an obstacle to bonding, especially since most people seem to prefer the phone.  Another thing that sets me apart from people.  But this is how it has evolved and I don't currently feel very motivated to change things so that the phone becomes part of my life again.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Telephone Tyranny?
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2006, 02:32:37 PM »
Phones are just tools to use .

If I see some one that is always on a cell phone I do not feel that there is anything wrong me because I do not want one.

I do not use one.My oldest daughter has lots of girlfriends .Some right now are doing what was done to you pp using her for a shrink because she is so kind.

She has finally realized that she can say no.I can phone  the people that I am close to every day and check in .
I am not a phone person now at all.

But when my mom was alive we would call and be on the phone until our ears were sore and loved every second I miss those calls

It was so good with my mom I was hoping it would end up good with N but N does not love me so what can I do.

Much Love from ,
« Last Edit: September 11, 2006, 04:47:17 AM by moonlight52 »


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Re: Telephone Tyranny?
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2006, 06:33:47 PM »
He doesn't love anybody, Moon. Much better to invest your love in those who can return love.

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Re: Telephone Tyranny?
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2006, 06:40:25 PM »
Dear Stormy ,

OK I just should not take it personally.

I did have a loving mom that was good .

Not my fault N can not feel kindly for me .
I am understanding a lot

Thanks is not enough

Sending So much LOVE to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      8)

« Last Edit: September 11, 2006, 04:46:08 AM by moonlight52 »


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Re: Telephone Tyranny?
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2006, 06:50:35 PM »
It's hard not to take it personally when it affects you personally. I always have trouble with that myself - the people who tell me not to take something personally are almost never being affected by that thing themselves; ever notice that? They react rather differently when they're the ones feeling it, and man do they get steamed when you point that out to them :roll: .

Anyway. I think there's a difference between taking something as personally damaging, which your father's unloving nature is, and taking responsibility for the damage someone does - to you personally.

He did hurt and damage you; you won't be free until you see that, which you do; but you also are seeing that he did not do this because there was anything wrong in YOU. The damage is in HIM. HE is the defective one, not you. And you're seeing this.

You got it, Moon. Hang on tight to this, it's the rope out of the quicksand.
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Re: Telephone Tyranny?
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2006, 11:24:30 PM »
Storm... did you go to Brown? I remember the women "working it" out there!!! How crazy is that?

Penny, My phone life has gone through a lot of changes like yours. As kids, making a phone call was this big deal in our house. You had to ask permission and go through a whole shebang... Later on I talked some, but a lot of time it wasn't worth the trouble.

I made calls to people at weird hours all through college. I was really selfish... it seemed like if I was up and my friends were up, everyone would be up. I didn't talk that much on the phone even then, though.

In my 20s I called friends some because I was alone in a state far away. Later in my 20s when I became a drunk, I would call people while I was drinking. God, I hated that. You could never remember quite what you were talking about.

Now I don't use the phone much. I unplug it to take naps. My phone hardly ever rings anyways as we are overseas and don't get telemarketers. A lot of times, even the occasional ring of the phone annoys me. The kids call their friends sometimes and chat. I have a cellphone, but I seem to never have any minutes on my card. I get a card and make a few calls here and there and it's gone and then I don't feel like spending money to get a new one.

Soooooo, there's my deal with phones. Very interesting topic! Could be delved into a lot, I am sure...
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Re: Telephone Tyranny?
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2006, 06:24:08 AM »
hi PP,

I feel the same way about phones.  My coworkers who carry their cell phones (mine's in my purse, per our company policy) and answer them while talking to me or in meetings really tic me off!  I hate being put on hold.  Then, without skipping a beat, they're back to our conversation.  Except now I'm annoyed, and they can't understand why. 

I just feel that cell phones are about the rudest thing invented.  The only reason I have one is so I can talk to my b/f, and he's pretty much the only one I talk to on it.  I give it out to my coworkers too, but they don't call me on it unless desperate.  They know I don't carry it around work, so if I answer I must be at home.

I also screen my calls.  I rarely feel like answering.  I think the phone reminds me of my N Mom, who abused it like everything else.

My b/f jabbers away on the phone (his cell) for hours to his family members - mostly his Dad who's close to 90.  Sometimes I get miffed cause I feel ignored when he does this.  I wish he could limit the calls to 20 - 30 minutes.  We've gotten in a few arguments cause he'll strike up a convo with one of his siblings or his Dad and 2 hours later I'll still be waiting for him to get off so we can do something (that's when I come here and post  :))

hey PP, I would listen to ya!

p bean


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Re: Telephone Tyranny?
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2006, 08:56:34 PM »
Hi Beth

No - University of Maryland. I spent my entire undergraduate life amazed at the goings-on around me. Edit in: co-ed hookers are probably everywhere, but I suspect there's a lot more of that stuff at the Party Schools.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2006, 08:59:03 PM by Stormchild »
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Re: Telephone Tyranny?
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2006, 09:43:56 PM »
I don't think we had actual hookers at school, but drugs were rampant. I hung out with that crowd, although I didn't do them (tried some, but that's it). I was amazed at that as well. I never knew how people got stuff or from whom or whatever.
Of course, as my college is now 45,000 a year, I'd have to hook to go there :)
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams