I think the biggest legacy from being raised with N parents for me, has been not knowing what I'm feeling. It is so confusing, trying to figure out what I feel. After years of being told what I'm feeling/thinking, it's hard to sort out.
I think I'm slowly getting in touch with feelings, though, and it is a relief to identify one at times. When I do - even if it's anger - I'm just relieved now. I'm so happy I have these feelings and can recognize them, I forget to be fearful that I'm angry!
Does anyone else relate to this?
Oh yes, PB, I do understand this. It is only in the last few weeks that I have been able to be aware of each emotion I have and recognize it as being an emotion and which one. Emotions and recognizing them and allowing them is so important because emotions are such a large part of our personalities. And how can you even function in the world at large, let alone be as happy and successful as possible, when you don't even understand who you are? (And by successful I mean using one's talents to their fullest capacity. I don't mean awards, money and recognition.)
It feels calm and orderly inside of me when I recognize each emotion and allow it to exist. It takes away some of the anxiety I tend to feel. And maybe part of not having fear with the strong emotions is that each time you allow an emotion, you have the chance to learn that you can survive an emotion and life will go on again and you will be okay. You
are okay. Lately, in fact, I have taken to telling myself,
Remember, the last time you felt depressed in the darkness of night, you were still able to get up in the morning and go to work and let someone cheer you up, and you let yourself feel happy again that time, so it will happen this time too..... Fear is not necessary with this new knowledge gained of experience.
Maybe my speech to myself sounds a little articifial, but to me this is all still so new. If I had learned these things when I was three or four, the way some lucky souls do, then my little speech would perhaps sound more natural. So, I guess that is little Pennyplant making herself heard in the darkness of the night. The little one is teaching the old one some things

(((((PB)))))), you are certainly not alone in this!
Love, PP