Thanks so much for this, Stormy.
I can't get enough animal stories and find encounters very healing...sometimes pure joy.
I live in an area where beautiful farms are a short drive, sometimes I just stop and lean on a fence and visit with cows. Over time I've come to find them highly intelligent, and sense great depths of feeling in them. (I really did need to give up red meat.) Horses are also special for me, I rode a lot in the past...and now, am just very content to stand beside one now and then.
I remember the day I graduated from college and felt some of the best years of my life were ending--I was very emotional. Snuck away from my parents for a bit and went to the stables, where I leaned on a fence and found myself overcome with sadness. A horse I'd never "met" left the group, walked up to the fence, I threw my arms around its neck and burst into violent tears. This animal chose to stand absolutely, perfectly still while I cried. When I was done, s/he stood a little longer as though to see if I was okay, then turned away and went back to its companions.
My old yellow Lab was a saint in a former life. When my new kitten discovered he was warm as a radiator, she climbed aboard his back, and sat there for long periods happily digging her very sharp little claws into his back over and over (the way cats weaned too early do compulsively). He would get a pained expression on his face but never budged, shifted, or protested until the kitty finally went somewhere else.
I love pigs. They're brilliant.
I used to milk a goat for a friend now and then. That was not brilliant. The goat often won.
I hand-raised an orphan sparrow in grad school with a friend. He used to sit on our shoulders or hands, wherever we liked. We would take him in a little cage to our coffee hangout and he was very popular. Obviously thought we were parents.
These are tame but I can't wait to read others...