Author Topic: The Peaceable Kingdom  (Read 3456 times)


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The Peaceable Kingdom
« on: September 21, 2006, 07:03:39 AM »

I first saw this painting as a child, and it went directly to my heart and has stayed there all my life. When I think of justice and mercy combined, this is where my heart goes... to the world at one, to people at peace with one another and with the beautiful animals with whom we share our dwelling place.

I'm sure this is why I so love animals and why I am so touched when my cats come to me in trust and love, when I awaken and find them cuddled close to me, sometimes with their paws wrapped around my arm, sometimes nestled in my hair. And it's why I always tear up, when I find them cuddled close together, sleeping.

So, a thread for sharing Peaceable Kingdom thoughts and stories. Unusual animal friendships, unusual friendships with animals, encounters with people who love and care for all creatures great and small.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52

Certain Hope

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Re: The Peaceable Kingdom
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2006, 07:27:30 AM »
Oh, Stormy, what a lovely vision!
I think I've found a new desktop background. Thank you so much for sharing this painting.

I'd feel lost without my critters. We have a veritable barnyard here and I love each and every one.... from my weasel-boy ferret to our dogs and cats and ducks and rabbit. Feeding the wild birds is one of my personal favourite "chores"... and watching them enjoy the birdbaths I've scrubbed and filled, the bluebirds nesting in the little boxes on our trees... they all bring so much life to our little home.

We have just a tiny back porch, but somehow three dogs and two cats manage to settle there when the sun has worked its way around to the north end of the house. Each has her little spot of sunshine and the utter contentment in that scene is pure bliss.
Of course, one sudden move and the chase could be on (cats and one dog have a rather tenuous peace), but just for the moment... there's not a thought of anything but soaking up those rays.

Hugs, Stormy... I hope today is wonderful for you.



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Re: The Peaceable Kingdom
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2006, 10:21:22 AM »
Thanks so much for this, Stormy.
I can't get enough animal stories and find encounters very healing...sometimes pure joy.
I live in an area where beautiful farms are a short drive, sometimes I just stop and lean on a fence and visit with cows. Over time I've come to find them highly intelligent, and sense great depths of feeling in them. (I really did need to give up red meat.) Horses are also special for me, I rode a lot in the past...and now, am just very content to stand beside one now and then.

I remember the day I graduated from college and felt some of the best years of my life were ending--I was very emotional. Snuck away from my parents for a bit and went to the stables, where I leaned on a fence and found myself overcome with sadness. A horse I'd never "met" left the group, walked up to the fence, I threw my arms around its neck and burst into violent tears. This animal chose to stand absolutely, perfectly still while I cried. When I was done, s/he stood a little longer as though to see if I was okay, then turned away and went back to its companions.

My old yellow Lab was a saint in a former life. When my new kitten discovered he was warm as a radiator, she climbed aboard his back, and sat there for long periods happily digging her very sharp little claws into his back over and over (the way cats weaned too early do compulsively). He would get a pained expression on his face but never budged, shifted, or protested until the kitty finally went somewhere else.

I love pigs. They're brilliant.

I used to milk a goat for a friend now and then. That was not brilliant. The goat often won.

I hand-raised an orphan sparrow in grad school with a friend. He used to sit on our shoulders or hands, wherever we liked. We would take him in a little cage to our coffee hangout and he was very popular. Obviously thought we were parents.

These are tame but I can't wait to read others...



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Re: The Peaceable Kingdom
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2006, 10:41:58 AM »
I respond to this while my grey cat (Niles) is standing with his front paws on the chair and nudging my arm to be petted.  He will not, under any circumstances, actually crawl into a lap, but stands next to you to be petted.  Unlike Simon, my big orange tabby, who wants to constantly be in my lap.  Niles has always been my daughter's pal and slept on her bed every night.  I can see how lost he is (not unlike me) without her around.

The most bizarre behavior that goes on around here is my English Cocker (female) who loves to hump my leg--but only my leg, never anyone else.  She generally chooses to do this when I am on the phone or otherwise engaged and get easily get rid of her.  This is also true of Simon, that he becomes most annoying when I am on the phone--pulling on my arm and nudging my hand with his wet nose to be petted.  Those two are very much like 2-legged children, who figure out that when you are on the phone, it is a good time to get what they want from mom.  Sometimes I have to take the phone outside, just to find some peace.

I can't keep my dogs and cats together.  The cats would have no peace, nor any food.

I am very grateful for my 4-legged children these days, as they sense my sadness at the 2-legged ones being gone and make sure to let me know that I am loved.



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Re: The Peaceable Kingdom
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2006, 11:37:28 PM »
Very sweet painting. Thank you for the link. I love looking at art. I want to explore the site more fully.
The picture kind of reminds me of my house with all my beasts... Henry likes to stand up and watch the fish or the guinea pigs to see what they are doing. It makes me laugh. He looks like a person when he does that.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: The Peaceable Kingdom
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2006, 11:55:37 PM »
We sang Randall Thompson's Peaceable Kingdom a couple of years ago, the painting was on the front cover.

I loved the double chorus: and all the trees of the fields shall clap their hands. It really does make you feel great joy!


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Re: The Peaceable Kingdom
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2006, 06:33:58 PM »
Hi Stormy,
when I saw your title I thought about the film named after the painting.  The feelings it aroused were not the peaceful feeling you have, far from it, so for all you true blue animal lovers, I would advise not seeing the film.  It replaces the painting in your mind.


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Re: The Peaceable Kingdom
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2006, 01:44:01 AM »
I want more pet personality stories!
I LIKE the sound of Niles. Awww. I miss cats.

Hmmm....I couldn't take on a puppy, but a cat? Mom always thinks she doesn't like them, but if we started with a kitten? Could do her a lot of good. Hmmmm.

I'm allergic though. Oddly, I developed an allergy to Visa (my cats were named after my credit cards...even Exxon, who dispatched himself under the mail truck... :( )...just six months before she died.

BUT! I interviewed a famous doc (lovely British fellow, in fact, here in the States) about allergies. And he said the most interesting thing. You can almost completely remove all cat allergens with one simple measure. Starting when they are very young kitties, give them a weekly bath, soft unthreatening warm water. Then ... just keep it up every week, once a week in the shower with Mum is the way he put it.

That sure sounds simpler that the huge routines people have to go through for allergies. The constant vacuuming, washing everything in hot water every time you sneeze.

Off topic.

Any more fetching animals around? Hint, hint?   :)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: The Peaceable Kingdom
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2006, 12:31:19 AM »
For the first half of the 90s I lived on a farm in Charlottesville, VA.  There were three barns just beyond my cottage and when the blizzard of 92 came noone could get to the horses so the two of the boarders called me to help muck and feed the animals.  I learned how to muck over the phone.  The next winter I was still at it.  And in the lovely old barn which allowed snow drifts between the siding there lived a beautiful black horse. One winter morning, just after sun rise I walked across the crunching gravel in the drive and through the scrunching saw dust in the barn aisle I heard the horse pacing.  Alarmed by the activity so early and afraid for what I might find I slowly rounded the corner to see Daria walking in circles in her stall.  Steam shooting from her nostrils and atop her blanket was something that didn't belong.  As I got closer I saw - it was Boy Cat.  The barn cat who lived in the loft.  I came to witness often that winter this marvelous sight of the horse giving the cat a ride on her blanketed back.  And once or twice that year I arrived earliy enough and quietly enough to catch Boy Cat curled up asleep by Daria's neck or belly.  A sweeter sight I never saw.  This same silly cat one morning - as I mucked another horse's stall came pawing around in the saw dust and then looked me straight in the eye, squatted, left a little pile of mess, looked at me again as if to say - "And while you're at it ---" and then slowly meandered off.  Servant to the lowly, I cleaned the horse and cat stall. 

It was a wonderful winter. - GS


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Re: The Peaceable Kingdom
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2006, 08:05:44 AM »
 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......

thanks GS! What a sweetie Daria must've been.
And I crack up at Barn Boy's common sense approach.....

:) I'm glad you got to muck out those stalls.
(Kind of the same thing you're doing now, except you
haven't figured out that you deserve clean surroundings
as much as a horse....)

Or maybe you can start thinking: Muck out....instead of
tidy up.

 :) (I need a prod, btw. Made a little list yesterday.
Read it. Several times. Well-written little list, y'know?)

thanks for the story.
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: The Peaceable Kingdom
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2006, 08:24:37 AM »
haven't figured out that you deserve clean surroundings
as much as a horse....)
Ouch!  Boy that truth hurts.  That's a motivator.

Or maybe you can start thinking: Muck out....instead of
tidy up.
I like this thought.  I think something is starting to
give.  I hope to get mucking very soon.

Great metaphor oh ye mighty Hops = GS


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Re: The Peaceable Kingdom
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2006, 09:45:11 AM »
"servant to the lowly"?

-- there is no higher calling!

((((((((((GS, Daria, Boy Cat))))))))))
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: The Peaceable Kingdom
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2006, 02:04:35 PM »
GS, can we use it together?
It's working for me too....  :)

Amazing how much mess I can make in one day.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The Peaceable Kingdom
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2006, 02:33:58 PM »
Happy Sunday

Little Iris is a fetch kitty sweetness personified she loves to curl up in boxes and places too small for her and curl up.
Our oldest daughter comes over and sez she wants to take her home for her own.
My secret lure to get my d over she's in love with Iris our Kitty.

Great stories here Stormy

« Last Edit: September 24, 2006, 02:35:49 PM by moonlight52 »